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Block the force, Luke!


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I play a lot of CtF games, and on platform maps, you get a lot of pull kicks in the face (man do you get a sore butt in them games) but i find that the best way to get round this is to roll to the side of them, well if there is room. plus have absorb up. and you have to time it good or they will still land the kick, I am still crap at killing people, but i am good at staying alive with the flag... I get a few votes to be kicked in some maps, as they think that i should try kill the other side wile carrying the flag.. but as most cases its 4 v 2 there favor, and i say RUN lol.

They want to kick you if you kick and they wana kick you if you dont.

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use light side force and use ABSORB.

also a good thing to know as well is that if someone uses mind trick on you (they go invisible), use seeing. they will show up in a yellow aura.


if you use dark side force, use drain to block the pull. it is no where near as effective as absorb, but it can help ok.


also make sure you have saber defense and attack at level 3 in your force config.


good luck and hope to see you out there..


i run a server.. If you go there, one of the sub admins or I will be more than happy to help. Just tell them you spoke with BOSS on the lucas forums and i told you to stop by and that I said maybe one of them can help you out.


what is your player name?


Crackhead server

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Hey thanks all for the good advice! I didn't know about absorb and drain.


Im still getting whipped in duels tho..some spanish guys were laying into me over and over the other night (one guy was dressed in all red cloak and hood..). Everything they did seemed like one of those special moves.


It wierd tho.. one minute he's facing me and the next millisecond theres a backwards obi-thrust through my guts


Do you think he might be using a bind to do this?


On that matter, is it ok to use binds in duels for special move sequences? I get the feeling lots of people are using them, else they have bionic fingers!




PS. hey dan {ERG}, Ill drop by your server soon, though my ping might suck as Im from australia. screen name is tael. Would be awesome if someone could train me??!

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That "backwards Obi-Thrust" is no more than a backstab move. Course if he's using a bind, that usually means he's trying to get away from just regularly learning the moves on his own.



"True Sabering skill comes not from binding, but from practice."

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Originally posted by danleth

Everything they did seemed like one of those special moves.


Do you think he might be using a bind to do this?


On that matter, is it ok to use binds in duels for special move sequences? I get the feeling lots of people are using them, else they have bionic fingers!



Ok... you are probably playing version 1.03. It's the most horrible patch ever made by man. Update to 1.04 and you don't have to play the "game of backstabbing" anymore.


I'd be very careful with accusing people of being "a scriptor!". It makes you look quite silly if you're wrong (note that usually no-one admits that they're using scripts and there's no way you can prove otherwise so...)


Some people are just very good. They have bionic fingers. :)


As for "is it ok to use scripts to perform special moves" ...well, it a moral question really. Personally I don't feel it's right to create a script that plays the game for you. Some skill, aiming, timing etc. is needed to perform certain things. That's how it's supposed to be.


Don't worry about losing. There's a lot of tricks to this game. You'll get better. :)

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