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func_train noise


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Hi Wedge

I'm using some Func_Trains on the map i'm working on too. I used a key of SOUNDSET and a value of WALKWAY. I think you can use a value of RAMP and TESTROOM too but i havent tried those yet. My problem is that i cant get my train to make that start and stop soundeffect, if you can figure that out that would be great. If i cant get the start and stop sound, it's cool. At least it isnt silent. Hope it works for you.

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I don't know if this works, but, from Rich Deisal:


adding sounds to doors:

Next, there's nothing worse than a silent door, is there? To look up the soundsets you can use for doors, open up the sound/sound.txt file and do a text search for... well, the word "door." Add the key soundset and the value for the soundset you want. I will be using large_door for mine.


adding sounds to trains:

You can add a soundset to func_train in the same way you can with a func_door, utilizing the sound.txt file and soundset key.

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