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setsuko coughs and lean over towards Elgaric


You know... there's a search engine for looking if threads like this (or in this case, exactly like this) has been around recently (or in this case, at the same time).


Just a hint. ;)


Oh, and I'll either go for my nick, or if my character turns out to be very much unlike me (since I am still in the process of developing it), I might make up a new name.

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Ooooh, showing off your big muscles are you, mr. Wraithy? Don't you remember last time, at the bantha racing track? Where you got drunk and started shouting and stuff? And I broke your arm and you sat and cried like a little girl? No? Let's just say it wasn't pretty... ;)


/OOC:Hehe, nothing beats RP bickering :D

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