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In multiplayer....how do I "lay down"


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Hmm...lay down...dont think you can, but there is an sleep emote that you can do when you are playing on servers running diffrent mods (like Vulcanus admin mod) but that emote is more like for punishing people and it is only be execuiteable by the admins on the server.

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i dont remember seeing this in JKII, but look to see if you can set a key to "feign death". I use that in Unreal Tournament (which i play online fairly often, i love the JKII single player, but i have only gone online once), and its fairly useful if you lay there and let youre enemies run past you thinking you are dead, then you get up and sneak up behind them, unless of courese they see you go down, then it kinda kills it. I know in ut you cant shot, but it does put you in a 3rd person mode (only time you ever get that way in ut as far as i know, except for right after you are dead), so you can swivel around and look at people and things, its just that ive you move or try to shoot then you will stand up, and hence, give away your non dead state.


Hope this helps (dont know if it will, but if it does, that would be cool)

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It was a "bug/exploit" (not very useful, just odd looking) in early versions of the game, that had something to do with cycling through models really really fast, it made you look like you were "laying down" (but not dead).


Supposedly it is much harder to do in 1.04, and thus you rarely see it anymore. Now if there was a mod running... maybe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Yeah, there is a mod...the one where you can do the AM commands

Vulcanis Admin Mod. ;)


I've seen a sleep emote in JediMod, which uses a death animation.

Are you sure they're not just dead? :p

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I've never played these mods myself (but I've seen them in action). People have gotten so used to them, I've had them come up to me in pure servers and ask why they can't kiss or meditate, etc.


Even cheat code lists post the "emotes" as if they were enabled in the regular game. ; )

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