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Jedi outcast mp group


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well I just finished a game of JO mp and I must say it sucked! I have more gun playing with bots, seeing that they are more sensible. so i thought of a JOmp gaming group,

where we meet up and have some cool jo mp games.

the only requirement is that you have msn, and you want to "play" Jo not careing about their kills meening not spaming back stabs and force powers, people that wants their game to be movie like. I have so much mods that i want to try that nobody ever plays, with a group like this we will be able to play our favorite mods with "real" players!


my msn is sas_2001_@Hotmail.com, I live in Japan on a T1 connection. I play only on saterdays and sundays. contact me if you are interested.


(how do i make threads sticky?)

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Dude...you *must* uppgrade to 1.04. You have to be insane if you can enjoy a game of JO running patch 1.03.


Nothing but ludicrous pull-backstabs 24/7... :disaprove


EDIT: you can't sticky a thread. If everyone could do that, we'd have the 100 first pages of this board filled with sticky threads. :D

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I do have 1.04, its not back stab that im haveing problems with its other stuff, such as force grip used to push people off places. and people running at you with a saber, takes a swing and runs back. its just not movie like and lame. I hate that! and anyway i want to play some cool mods with people

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You know its like have heard this millions of times before of people complaining about what people do in the game. Grip, Lightning, Heal and everything else is in the game so live with it and find a way to counter those moves. If your tired of people saber down killing and not going by the reasonable rules get admin mod, it works great on controlling people like that in ur games, just dont abuse the power that it can give.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lame? Sigh. THIS IS AN FPS PEOPLE!!! It's not an RPG!!! If you're tired of getting tossed around with grip turn on absorb, or push the person, or pull them, learn the counters! Never ceases to amaze me that people would rather cry foul then learn how to avoid and counter.

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