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File Extension types and where to put them.


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Originally posted by yangyan

Can someone tell me where to put these files?











I'm assuming you're asking where these go in .pk3's...


.nav: Single-player bot navigation file. Not needed for MP maps.

.lin: The presence of this file means that you had a leak at some point after compiling. You don't need to put this in a .pk3 either.

.srf: I'm not entirely sure, but I think it has to do with the .bsp process, it's an intermediate file, and it doesn't have to go in a .pk3 either.

.bak: This is a radiant-created backup of your map. Doesn't go in a .pk3.

.cav: ??

.prt: This file is only used to stor information between the BSP and VIS compile phases, once you have the final .bsp, you don't need it.

.qe3/.qe4: I think these are Radiant configuration settings...


Here is what a .pk3 file structure should look like:



.wnt file


.jpg file


.bsp file


.arena file


.shader file


your texture folder


The only file there created by Radiant is the .bsp file. You must make the others yourself (see RichDiesal's tutorials for more information).

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