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Last Week is Over!


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Man, last week was one hell of a week. I am sure glad to have it behind me now. Nothing but non-stop exams, mid-terms, lacrosse tournaments, assignments, work at my job piling up, and one really nasty AI program that was kicking my ass until late last night. It was just non-stop something happening all week long. I sure am glad that last week is all behind me now.


This week looks sooo much better. I only have 1 test, some readings, maybe 1 homework assignment, a funraiser, and a lacrosse game before the start of SPRING BREAK. It seems like a lot to do, but compared to last week, its nothing.


Not doing too much for spring break, working full time M-F but parting hard at nights and durring the weekends that is for sure! Heading to the beach with some pals some too (its only about 2 hours from here). Plus I am definitly going to catch back on some sleep, and get back to some PC/XBox gaming. Its been too long since I have touched either for that purpose.

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Oh yes, Last week was KILLER. I mean, wow. I nearly died.


Let me tell you my horror story...


Monday- I got up at 6:00 and eventually took my brother to school. After getting to school I just left. I decided to head for the movie theater. Arriving at the theater I walk in and find my AP Hist teacher inside! Then I look around and there are over 40 students from my class! Imagine my horror when we all went in and watched Gods And Generals for our all day field trip! OH THE HORROR! (side note, I LOVE the civil war for those of you who didn't catch the sarcasm yet) Then we HAD to go to the Mall. THE MALL OF ALL PLACES! Oh we suffered so badly.


It gets worse! That night, IT BEGAN TO SNOW! And the worst part is...IT STUCK!


Tuesday- I HAD to stay home all day! UGG! Why couldn't we go back to school?




Thursday- Oh, ice...that could be dangerous...good thing we're out of school.


Friday- IT'S MONDAY!...wait...no...FRIDAY!


So as you can see...my week was horribly torturous.:p

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Monday- I got up at 6:00 and eventually took my brother to school. After getting to school I just left. I decided to head for the movie theater. Arriving at the theater I walk in and find my AP Hist teacher inside! Then I look around and there are over 40 students from my class! Imagine my horror when we all went in and watched Gods And Generals for our all day field trip! OH THE HORROR! (side note, I LOVE the civil war for those of you who didn't catch the sarcasm yet) Then we HAD to go to the Mall. THE MALL OF ALL PLACES! Oh we suffered so badly.


Wow DF, that must have really sucked for you there. ;) Your the only one that I know of to see Gods & Generals though. I really loved that movie, although it was quite long. :snear: But yes, the highlight for last week for me was G&G. Of course another high light was having to take back my Mother Board for the computer I had built. Such joy! :rolleyes: I shall be back to gaming soon however.

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