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New LotR Very Secret Diaries!

Boba Rhett

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The new secret diaries for The Two Towers are starting to come out. Here are links to the three that have been released.


Aragorn Part 2




Legolas Part 2



Small bit from Theoden's,


"New makeover gone horribly awry. Do not look fresh and youthful, instead resemble albino dwarf after two years pickling in the Dead Marshes."


Good stuff. :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Is it just me or was that the funniest post today?! :lol:


Thanks, Rhett, I needed a good laugh! :D


*NOTE: By funniest post I mean Rhett's response to Ackbar, not the LotR Diaries.


Yeah I agree. I got a good laugh on that one.

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