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Units: Ballpark Figure


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I seriously want to know if anyone has an idea as to the number of boxes (both regular and collector's editions) that is expected to be sold at the initial release in the US. I pre-ordered my copy of SWG back in October. Just this morning I went to the store where I pre-ordered to upgrade to the collector's edition and asked the cashier how many people reserved either of the 2 versions. She said only 10! This is very shocking to me, as I live in South Jersey (USA), a suburb of Philadelphia, PA. Usually games like this seem to be much more successful then just 10 copies! I remember asking about Warcraft 3 when I pre-ordered that and it was over 200. Are that many people just going to buy the game without pre-order?




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Maybe. :)



Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


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We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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Well, all experienced mmorpg gamers know this: first couple of months of a mmorpg is riddled with flaws and bugs. And most often, you'll only know after a month or three if the game will be crap or magnificient. A lot of gamers wait for a while to get SWG, since they don't want to experience the release *coughAOcough*. Oh, and most mmorpgs started out with a small following, and then rapidly gained subscribers. That's just how it works in this business.

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Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


well.. i actaully have nothing to ad to this conversation...:p


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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In various press releases they have stated that the number of registered users on the Official site was 400000. Add to that un-registered users, and people who have never heard of the game but may buy it neway, minus people who wont buy cos of running costs and people buying l8r it cos it doesn't come out in their country for ages. Take all this into account and u still have the number of users into the 100000's (v.v.v.v.v.rough estimate).


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