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Star Wars : Infinities


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Now THERE is a piece of EU that you cannot argue with!


Sorry - heard of it, but never been able to find it anywhere... Until now.....


If I can sell my Psion, I intend t get all three paperback omnibuses.


Just want to know if anyone else has read them - as they as sweet as they sound?

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Originally posted by nova_wolf

Sorry - heard of it, but never been able to find it anywhere... Until now.....


Just want to know if anyone else has read them - as they as sweet as they sound?




If I can sell my Psion, I intend t get all three paperback omnibuses.





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A series of comics called SW:Infinities - about what would happen if....


For example - in A New Hope : Infinities, Luke doesn't destroy the Deathstar. He dies, and it's up to Han, Leia and Yoda to deal with the situation.


Psion is a make of palmtop - I need to sell it to fund my recent interest in all things Transformer, Centurions, Infinities and Manga...:cool:

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