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More stupid newcomer questions


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Sorry to trouble you guys again, but I have more questions. When picking a server how should one go about choosing a server thats best for them? What is the criteria one should use or does it even matter what server one chooses? Now questions dealing with beginning of play. Does anyone know what a character starts out with? Such as money, guns or any other assets? Thank you guys for all of your help once again....peace:fett:

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I play this one (click):




That is a PC on DAoC. The server is Vortigern (Italian RvR Server) and it is very overpopulated with great problems both in PvP and in PvE. It is usually frustrating and now I want a less ppulated server.


I even played T4C (italian server) and there was 5 servers, Server One always overpopulated, so I usually played on Server 4 or Server 3.


I experienced so many problems playing in overpopulated servers that I prefer less PvP to remove those problems :>


(Just my opinion, some prefer overpopulated servers ;) )



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well.... first of all..

depends on where you are.. is the east coast or the west coast closer to you?


for me its the east coast (im in europe).


well.. then my criteria is: where do all my friends go.

and that is: Starsider server.



to answer your question... nobody knows.. only the beta testers do. and they keep their mouths shut.

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I take it that it would be wise to pay the server service ahead of time so I can get started immediately on the 15th? Also are their gonna be individual ships such as Slave I, or like the Millenium Falcon? I know that this question is probably not confirmed and I know that they probably wont be visible at initial release if available at all. I was just wondering if anyone had heard anything..peace:fett:

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well... if the games hits the shelves on the 15th,.. i think the servers will be up and running byt then.


and.. the only ship in game will be the transport ship that goes from planet to planet. one year from now.,. the space expansion will be here. and then we have all kinds of ships.. ok?

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Thanks for your help thus far, and my questions might be a nusiance and I am sorry if that is true. My next question has to do with starting careers, is it feasible to select more than one career to begin with? Like three or four? I know that the character will probably develop a lot slower if I just ran with one but it seems to me that I have a long time before it gets really interesting with the space expansion. Thank you for all your thoughts and comments, they have been really great.:fett:

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Originally posted by UltimateGenie

why would you want to pick a server with less people, wouldnt you want more pvp rather than less?


Well PvP isn't going to be interesting to me for a LONG time because of all the other things that you will be able to do such as missions to advance your skills and stuff. Crafting should also be very interesting. This game is going to be sooo fun. I'm going on one that is pretty popular since I have a fast connection. :D

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Ok, since I'm the semi-official n00b answering person, I'll give my best shot at the various questions here:


How do I choose server?

Westcoast shwestcoast, the location of the server doesn't affect you that much. Only if it is in Europe, cause then you might meet persons who only speak italian on italian servers etc (no offense, but in countries south of Denmark, fluency in english is less common than you might believe). If you don't have a lot of friends who'll play the game before you choose your server, the choise is really random: there's no big difference. Unless you choose an unofficial PvP server, RP server of Europan server. But that is easily checked beforehand. The only time your choise has any meaning is if you know a lot of players before you start playing; then you might want to play on the same server. The point of my answer: if the server is located in Denver or Dallas means ****. Really.


Starting equipment

No official word out on that. Expect enough to survive your first meetings with the environment, but so little that you'll be interested to get better stuff immediately. The crafters needs something to do, aight? ;)


Would you like a server with less people on it?


Well, if the netcode is bad, which is a common baby problem of online games, the affect on lag will be less on a less populated server. As simple as that. And yes, on a less populated server, there'll be more space to put up that dreamy PA town, since that special spot might already be taken on a popular server. And yes, your PA will be more influential on a less popular server, since there's less competition. And yes, the population might grow larger later, giving you a good seat if you've been there all along. And yes... the list goes on and on. There's a lot of good reasons to be on a less populated server. As well as there are good reasons to be on a heavily populated server.


Also are their gonna be individual ships such as Slave I, or like the Millenium Falcon? This is one year into the future. Noone in the world knows for sure, not even the devs OR the producers.


My next question has to do with starting careers, is it feasible to select more than one career to begin with You are free to make up your new character EXACTLY as you want. You can set out the points yourself, the devs even pointed out that popular custom choises might become official starting careers in future patches. You can even drop skills if you feel like developing in a new direction. How your character develops is entirely up to you, but of course, a stealthy weaponsmith with dancing skills who can also tailor a suit and throw axes will develop slower than a marksman. Duh! ;)


I hope that help. And may the goddess of n00bness be with you. Always.

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This game is supposed to be very detailed adn follow the Star Wars Universe right? Well even on the main page as I was looking up the different species there were some that went unamed. I know this probably isnt a concern but I thought it was weird to see that there will be some species in the game that arent on the official website. ...B:D

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Why is it so, UltimateGenie? Because the devs has semi-free reins to INVENT canon. They send their ideas to the producers, who sends it to the Skywalker Ranch, and then George Lucas' continuity people either accept it as SW or not. Simply put: if it is in SWG, it is just as much Star Wars as is if it is in Episode 3. :)


Personally, I think it is great. If we were limited to the species in the movies, there'll be a far less variation.


EDIT: especially when there's planets that hasn't been explored in the movies. Tatooine might work with only aliens from the movies, but Lok? And Corellia?

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Everyone knows who Darth Maul is correct? He was a Zabrak. This species isnt listed on the official website. I thought that this was weird that a well known character in the story doesnt even have his species represented. Anyways I will agree with you about the devs having creative room to run with. That will help expand and create some future surprises in the SWG game that no one no matter how big of a fan you are of star wars can anticipate.

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I was about to go off on a tangent about Devaronians, Squibs, Ugors, Barabels and all of the other fun and interesting species that were left out. Note that none of these are referenced on the official site, or available in SWG. The list goes on and on. If I didn't feel that space travel was more important, I would make a big fuss about these, and all of the other species being in the first patch. SW is a universe of diversity, and gosh darnit, if I want to be a trash collecting Squib or Ugor, then that's waht I want to be. ;P


Keep in mind, even if Ugors are ever added (doubtful), they will never be playable, as shape-shifters should not be PCs.

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