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New civs for SWGB2


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Said it before but I'll say it again.


If you want each civ to be completely unique and not just variations on a generic civ structure, you will not be able to have ten civs. I'd be surprised if they could do the eight existing civs with total uniqueness, no one else has done anything close to that number. Sure, it is probably possible to do, but the amount of time it would take to balance would have the game take forever to make.


If you just want a rehash of SWGB1, with generic civ structures, then heaps of civs is entirely feasible.


Personally I would prefer quality than quantity.

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I suppose quality is better, but I still would get bored with a sequel if it had the same units for each civilization and they didn't add any civilizations. If they reduce the number of civilizations or keep the same civilizations they should expand the number of unit types per civilization. I am not quit sure the total # of unit types per civilization. I think there was 4 troopers, 4 mechs, 3 aircraft, 4 ships, 1 worker, 1 medic, 4 fortress units, 2 Jedi/Sith, 3 heavy weapons, 1 power droid. I guess 27-28 unit types in GB1. I say there should be at least 40-50 unit types per civilization if you have 8 or below civilizations in GB2. There is alot more units you can definitely add to the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire for sure. I bet there is going to be alot added to Confederacy and Galactic Republic when Episode III content is added.

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Originally posted by joesdomain

...I say there should be at least 40-50 unit types per civilization if you have 8 or below civilizations in GB2...I bet there is going to be alot added to Confederacy and Galactic Republic when Episode III content is added.

You can't add Episode III stuff before 2005. It would be like, "Hey, come and buy our game. There's a lot of spoilers for Episode III, and we've included half of the upcoming movie!" But, yes...Their have to be more units per civilization, if there's going to be 8 or below civilizations!
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The only problem with a release date like that is people like me would eventually forget about it especially if they didn't keep up with the news. I might be losing internet access by the end of 2003. Which would stink? The only way I would know is to check stores often for release or use some other person's computer to check for updates. Plus, I am graduating college and going to be starting full-time work the last part of June, 2003. That is far off idea to release the game. Who knows! I may not be interested in RTS games by May 2005.

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I will have lots of time to after work. I don't have a girlfriend. I am not even married and I don't have kids. I just have plans to help fix my parent's house. That will take up time. I just hope I don't forget about Star wars RTS games. My interest will probably increase as we get closer to Episode III release date. Depends on what games are coming out between now and May 2005.

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I figure if they do a Ground battle strategy game again then keep all of the GB1 civilizations except wookies. Then Add Vong and New Republic. The New Republic uses V-wings and E-wings mostly. I am sure their mechs are advanced than during the Galactic Civil War.

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They could do 10 civs completely different from each other , they just need a lot of work. Taking this into consideration and making clear I do want different civs, I'd like a new game to have:


-Rebel Alliance

-Galactic Empire


-Mon Calamari


-Yuuzhan Vong






Also civs wouldn't have Jedi available for creation. You could be able to reach agreements with Jedi, and they'd help you in battle, but you maybe wouldn't be able to control them. No conversions. Generals, etc.

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Compa, great to see you.


To throw in my 2 cents; expect only a SWGB 2 if Episode 3 gets a string of games going.

I doubt there will be too many new races, though. And only two new ones cannot make a game. So that's a definite logistical problem.


on an unrelated note, joesdomain stated: "I don't have a girlfriend. I am not even married and I don't have kids."




meaning that he'd definitely be married if he had a girlfriend on the side...


sorry joe. just kidding.


and now, back on topic.

SWGB 2 probably won't happen until there's some kind of significant advance in RTS-technical aspects that spawns a legion of new games. Unless that happens, it would be too little for a sequel; both in terms of engine and content.

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I bet Lucasarts will come out with a new game instead of a sequel. I figure it will be a either be a ground combat or space combat game. Most likely it will be ground battle because Episode III coming out in May 2005. Then again, we had two ground Star Wars strategy games released in a row. There is always a chance it could be space combat or both. With 3-D accelarator cards at 128MB and now the new 256MB coming out. I figure it is a matter of time that a good 3-D Star Wars Space/Ground Battle Strategy Game can be made with technology. It will probably include many civilizations. I mean more than two civilizations. I would assume the civilizations would be Wookies, Gungans, Republic, Confederacy, Naboo, Empire, Rebel Alliance, and maybe a couple more. There are too many Star Wars organizations, etc. that they could chose from.

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Frankly, I don't really care to much for Vong. I know alot of EU fans were wanting them in. That is why my list had them in it. I would be content with just Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire only. But Lucasarts probably wants to sell Prequel Trilogy content so I guess you have to have Trade Federation, Naboo, Confederacy, Gungans, and Galactic Republic for sure. Everyone loves Wookies so that would make sense for SWGB2 also. I can't think of any new civilizations besides those that came from the movies besides organizations like Hutts, Ewoks, and Black Sun Empire. Then Black Sun Empire is EU also.

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I was just referring to Galactic Battlegrounds 2 as based off the movies. That is why I prefer the current civilizations in Galactic Battlegrounds except Wookies. I would recommend Ewoks as a civilization to replace them. The only reason why I am against the Wookies is the fact that all the units except the wookie troopers are made up.

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Originally posted by joesdomain

...except the wookie troopers are made up.

Made up? Why? I'd prefer if the gungan civ. was kicked to Mars!!!! I HATE THEM!


:jarjar: "No, no, mesa stay. Mesa culled Jar Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant."

:liam "That wont be necessary."

:jarjar: "Oh, but it 'tis. 'Tis demanded by the gods it 'tis!

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I would be happy with few civilizations as compared to a lot of civilizations if each civilization had more buildable units than what Galactic Battlegrounds and it's expansion pack had. Also if each civilization had variety and uniqueness. More buildable units from the movies and less made up units.

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