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Hilarious comment from Yoshinori Kitase

Sherack Nhar

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There's no pressure within Square to develop another sequel in the Final Fantasy series right now.




Who are they kidding? If Square was to announce that they are never going to develop another Final Fantasy game ever again, they would definitely lose their monopolistic hold of the RPG market in Japan. They certainly aren't going to give up their main cash cow for no reason at all.


Am I alone in this or what? :D

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

*sigh* How many times must I say this? The Final Fantasy series are not RPG.

Yes they are. Console-type RPGs are different from dungeon & dragons: you still play a role, but that role is predefined by the makers. The roleplay itself is predefined.
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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

*sigh* How many times must I say this? The Final Fantasy series are not RPG.



Tell that to the millions of people around the world who bought them. If i recall, FFX sold 2 million copies in Japan in the first week alone.


They are THE role-playing games, as far as the world concerns, the standard for which every other console RPGs are measured by. Most of the world probably has no clue what Baulder's Gate or NWN is, but most gamers have heard of Final Fantasy.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Yes they are. Console-type RPGs are different from dungeon & dragons: you still play a role, but that role is predefined by the makers. The roleplay itself is predefined.


But by that account, the Monkey Island games are RPGs, wich they are not.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

But by that account, the Monkey Island games are RPGs, wich they are not.

It's just conventions. They name a certain type of game so that gamers know what they can expect, that's all. If you only work by definition you could say that Deus Ex is an action-RPG-strategy-stealth-adventure game.
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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

But by that account, the Monkey Island games are RPGs, wich they are not.


No. You don't have experience, or levels, or regular stat-based battles anything else that traditionally comprise RPGs in Monkey Island.


Besides, like Sherack said, genres are self-given. It's not like there is a list of requirements for every genre that games have to prove they qualify for before they are accepted for a certain one.

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