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War In 48 Hours!!!!!!


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I just heard if suddam hussein doesnt leave iraq in 48 hours then them\n the US will declare war! thats not to cool, but i knew it was coming soon, but i would have never said i was going to declare war, i would have just bombed him.......then declare war, or declare war then send the troops like 5 minutes later....

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Originally posted by Darklighter

I'm with you, stuka...all we can do is wait...



I don't like Bush, Even though i'm Canadian, I think Bush is a moron.And to you people who wants Iraq bomb, think about all of the innocent people killed and then after that go bomb another country.
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u wont be sying "no more war" if he bombs us, u know he has weapons, and if he doesnt, have you forgotten 9-11, how many bombs, nukes, missile, guns, and all that other crap did they need to blow away 3000 people, none...... come on, how do we know suddam isnt just trying to get more time, so he can bomb us........that wouldnt be cool, i dont want war, but sometimes, u have to do what u have to do....


its up to orange because now suddam knows he is ganna have to leave or he has to fight, so now there is nothing stopping him from getting a head start........i dont want him to bomb us, but what else can he do, he wont leave, thats obviosus and now he has to fight in about 48 hours. for all we know he could be sending crap over here right now... i doubt it, but he could....

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

u wont be sying "no more war" if he bombs us, u know he has weapons, and if he doesnt, have you forgotten 9-11, how many bombs, nukes, missile, guns, and all that other crap did they need to blow away 3000 people, none...... come on, how do we know suddam isnt just trying to get more time, so he can bomb us........that wouldnt be cool, i dont want war, but sometimes, u have to do what u have to do....


its up to orange because now suddam knows he is ganna have to leave or he has to fight, so now there is nothing stopping him from getting a head start........i dont want him to bomb us, but what else can he do, he wont leave, thats obviosus and now he has to fight in about 48 hours. for all we know he could be sending crap over here right now... i doubt it, but he could....

My praise to you. Exactly! The world is not a pretty thing. It's all not peace. Everything is mostly running on chaos and violence. But your alive now. Why becuase war kept us alive by defense.

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

u wont be sying "no more war" if he bombs us, u know he has weapons, and if he doesnt, have you forgotten 9-11, how many bombs, nukes, missile, guns, and all that other crap did they need to blow away 3000 people, none...... come on, how do we know suddam isnt just trying to get more time, so he can bomb us........that wouldnt be cool, i dont want war, but sometimes, u have to do what u have to do....


its up to orange because now suddam knows he is ganna have to leave or he has to fight, so now there is nothing stopping him from getting a head start........i dont want him to bomb us, but what else can he do, he wont leave, thats obviosus and now he has to fight in about 48 hours. for all we know he could be sending crap over here right now... i doubt it, but he could....


Well, if you mean crap by disease/sickness/viruses theres a new sickness thingy here in the US, its like a very deadly pnemonia...it coulda been from saddam...you never know :(

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Well, if you mean crap by disease/sickness/viruses theres a new sickness thingy here in the US, its like a very deadly pnemonia...it coulda been from saddam...you never know :(


I dont think its in the US yet, and if it is then it was only that one man on the plane to London or something. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. And it most likely wasn't Saddam since it originated in Asia and not directly in the US.

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Originally posted by TheHobGoblin

I was talking to my bro about that sickness thing it's from china and stupid china kept their mouth shut and then it came here.


o....ok. but anthrax was around b4 the taliban...so Iraq coul've helped spread the sickness around possibly? like the taliban did to anthrax?:confused:

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well i was thinking a few missles but he could do that.... anyways, suddamm knows he has to fight now, and it will be hard for him to fight america, unless he has allies (i dont know because i dont keep up with the news, i only hear about the big things.....im on here talking to u guys all the time :D ) but anyways, he could just shoot something at us now! and there isnt much we can do...... but i think bush has a plan for that if thats what happens......

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

How about the stopping of Hitler. That wasn't good? :rolleyes:



hey there buddy.


you are blowing it out of proportion. it wasn't even that serious. plus i was just imitating a song.



hey TheHobGoblin, singin with me:


WAR HUH GOOD GOD YALL! What is it good for absolutely nothing!

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To those who do not support the war:



At least support the troops. These are men and women(some of them just out of high school) that have volunteered to fight for our country. That is something VERY respectable, and these folks in the military deserve it.

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if u think about, this war is hitlers fault........


remember the jews were in the land hitler tried to get rid of em' then they got scattered in other countries, meanwhile them dudes moved in to jeruselem, and took their land.... so then the us put the ews back in there own land but then the poeple who moved in were mad, so they started fighting isreal, then the us was isreals ally so they destroyed the WTC and the pentagon, so then we are here now......


so if u think about hitler screwed up everything, and who knows how this war will end....


Wow, the importance of 1 man......1 sick man, but still, he had a huge impact on everything.....

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