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In Monkey Island 5, I would like to see...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Das Mole

we already know what the secret is. its like that "guybrush is a kid" or that "its all a dream" or something along those lines.

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Magic! this isn't an rpg their makin and if we were able to kill anyone in de game it might as well be an fps. I'd love to revisit some islands from CMI. Blood island after the volcano had blown and its tourist industry was booming again maybe the actors would be there on tour again reliving their glory days. And we've got to revisit the Brimstone Beach Club and the Cabanna boy , classic stuff.

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Guest Das Mole

dinghy dog- :newbie:s rule! not exactly my top choice for a name (dinghy dog*shudders*) but whatever milks your guernsey.


samnmax- didn't ron gilbert say that or someone that works for lucasarts, though? i even read an article on mixnmojo or something that said that.

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First of all, fix the stuff from EMI (or disreguard it completely)


I'd like to see an explanation of how Herman Toothrot could possibly be Elaine's grandfather. (He was using the name Herman Toothrot before he came to Monkey Island according to the Captain's log in the Sea Monkey on MI1. This is *one* of the questions I have about that possibility)


Elaine should have her English accent back. She seemed to have lost it on the honeymoon and become much more hostile and insulting to Guybrush.


I'd like to see Wally again.


I'd also like to see the return of Largo LaGrande as the main villain.


Maybe a new villain that's a PIRATE. Not one that's trying to get rid of pirates. If you ask me, EMI's plot seemed a bit lame, even for Monkey Island. Maybe Largo could be the brains in MI5 and not even have LeChuck. I mean, LeChuck has died 5 times already (including the fact he was already dead when we first saw him). Maybe he can come back later in MI6 or MI7 or 8 or 9 or something.


Let's also have the return of the three pirates who wanted to be circus performers on Mêlée Island and Scabb Island. They could join up with Guybrush.


Stan should be a "Used" something salesman again. He was better at that. Haven't seen that since MI2.


I'd also like to see Booty Island again. And perhaps the bloodhound named Guybrush.


Another interesting idea could be having another character to play. Half the game as Guybrush, and half the game as a new character, or even Elaine as was one of the rumors of EMI.

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Originally posted by EnchiladaMan

First of all, fix the stuff from EMI (or disreguard it completely)


I'd like to see an explanation of how Herman Toothrot could possibly be Elaine's grandfather. (He was using the name Herman Toothrot before he came to Monkey Island according to the Captain's log in the Sea Monkey on MI1. This is *one* of the questions I have about that possibility)...




this is very old but may help. actually one of my first thread, i'm surprised it was that succesful. very old.

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Das Mole - n00bs DO rule. And I rather like Dinghy Dog. In a strange sort of way. I didn't want to be "normal" and "n00bie-ish" and call myself "MurrayLuvr69" or something weird like that, so yeah.


And personally, I'd like to see a new version of the blind lookout of Melee.



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Well, however it works out, I hope they give a detailed explanation in the next game to clear it up. (I like the idea of there actually being a Herman Toothrot before HT Marley became stranded, and he took the name after the original Herman left) But like I said, I'd like to see an "official" explanation.


I wonder what it would be like to have a completely 3d Monkey Island 5. Note: I did not like how the 3d characters from EMI looked. They were too angular, even in the cutscenes. if it is all 3d, it would have to be a completely different engine. Kind of a JK2 look to it, but with the inventory style like CMI (the best inventory style of the games I think). This could open up lots of possibilities of puzzles. If there's a way to make it completely 3d and make it still look like Monkey Island, I figure why not?


While the adventure game aspect is the best, I wonder if Monkey Island could translate to other types of games (like StarWars games have) in ADDITION to more monkey adventure games.


With SW Galaxies coming soon, what about a Monkey Island MOMRPG game? (not for MI5. just a completly new area of Monkey Island gaming) Live in the Caribbean as a Monkey Island character with lots of other pirate friends/enemies?


Anyway, sorry about my typically long posts. I'm working on that. just getting some thoughts out there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heya folks!

I would like to say these things at a beginning:


1. No..guybrush can't die, it's not gonna happen, ok?

2. Crazy humor... ofcourse!

3. Well.. it sure would be fun to meet all (amost all) caracters from the 4 games.. (if this is the end) and he maybe have to colect them all to a war against lechuck and the pirates.. umm.. maybe not..


Well... what ever happend to Largo anyway?


//siz :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

In Monkey Island, there are many things I would like to see. I know many will give me horrible glares for saying this, but I wish that MI4 could just be thrown away. It amused me for the time that I played it, but afterwards, I thought - shoot. That messed up some stuff. Also, I would like to see us revert back to old MI1 ideas. In MI1, Guybrush was a wanna-be pirate. There were other pirates. They were not ALL goofy, and they were not ALL terribley scary. The game had more of a Piratey feel to it. Comparing MI1 and MI4, the producers of the game have taken us WAY away from that. I think that MI2 was amusing, and to say the least, amazing, and I enjoyed its extreme goofyness. I would like to see this goofyness come back in MI5, but to an extent. One thing that makes MI1 my favorite is because it makes me feel like I'm actually going to an uncharted place to have an adventure. This is amazing.


More to be seen in the Ideal MI5 for me would be the old characters. I respect the ideas of things like "Playing all of the Characters," but personally, I would enjoy interacting with ALL of them throughout the game again. SCUMM worked amazingly for me, and if I were making it (many are glad i'm not) it would be using MI2 graphics. I would cry myself to sleep in joy if this would come to pass. Just some thoughts, but after all, these thoughts are probably ridiculous, and mean nothing.

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I wonder what it would be like to have a completely 3d Monkey Island 5. Note: I did not like how the 3d characters from EMI looked. They were too angular, even in the cutscenes. if it is all 3d, it would have to be a completely different engine. Kind of a JK2 look to it, but with the inventory style like CMI (the best inventory style of the games I think). This could open up lots of possibilities of puzzles. If there's a way to make it completely 3d and make it still look like Monkey Island, I figure why not?


May i sugest Cell shaded tech?



And the thing i would like to see returned would be Murray.


in my opinion that was one of the best characters to be founf in CMI. the popping up from nowere on the most unsuspecting places. It really hurt me to see murray pinned down on a chair with such a small part in EMI.

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in MI 5 id like to have:

-a rubberchicken or two

-cmi-like sound/music

-new innovative gfx and adventure like handling (pointnclick yeahyeahyeah)

-no monkey kombat, its too lame

-a bananapicker



-pirates, insults, grog

-AN ID FOR BUYING GROG. actually in that panties i wear!

-monkey island feeling

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Originally posted by ErnilPherianath

One thing that makes MI1 my favorite is because it makes me feel like I'm actually going to an uncharted place to have an adventure. This is amazing.


SCUMM worked amazingly for me, and if I were making it (many are glad i'm not) it would be using MI2 graphics. I would cry myself to sleep in joy if this would come to pass. Just some thoughts, but after all, these thoughts are probably ridiculous, and mean nothing.


Buy this guy a beer!!!!:) Thats exactly the way I feel. Its a shame its never going to happen....unless a whole group of fans get together and make something. Unfortunately it would have to be one hell of a large well co-ordinated team. The game itself would have to be similar enough to Monkey Island to capture the 'feel' of it, but would have to be called something slightly different (The Secret of Donkey Island?), and have slightly different characters, so that Lucasarts couldn't crush it.......

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No, Guybrush can't die!


Ok, I want to see:


-a darker, more mysterious feeling, like in parts of MI2

-Guybrush and Elaine's little daughter

-the end of the pirate world, effectively destroying the chance for more sequels. NOT however, like Ozzie Mandrill's scheme. Much different.

-the Voodoo Lady's name


When I mean "end of the pirate world, " I mean I want to see a time when pirates are a dying breed, and Guybrush is one of the last. The idea of it is very sad, but it's what I want. Something to leave you crying after you laughed at Guybrush for so long.....

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