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Star Wars Spoofs

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Hello all.


I havent made a thread in a long time.... or did I? anyway i cant really remember :p

I was browsing the Lucas forums.. and i went to the Galactic Battlegrounds forums... i found a link to a site with flash movies...




well lets just say i had to go to the hospital to get the drugs to calm me down....





You will love it.. believe me.

my personal favorites are:

Death Star, Bespin and dagobah


HINT!: there are 2 hidden movies. one is a picture of a handpuppet who laughs. the other one is the enterprise with the sound of a comlink from that show.


-Wraith 8-

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Originally posted by GreenJediGrinch

Can you be a little more specific on the hiden ones?

well. there are 2 parts of the map that have some space in them.. go over it with your mouse to find them.


and yes i saw the Space balls a million times..... LOVED it

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