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whatever happened to............


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The first time I played Jedi Knight II on Jedi mode, I used a blue lightsaber. Then in Jedi Knight mode, a green lightsaber (No cheats!). Then when I was up to Jedi Master mode, the game gave me a blue-green saber! I've played those SP modes countless times again but I can't seem to get the different color sabers. I suppose I don't mind "altering" it myself, but the there aren't any sites that I have seen that show how to unlock that blue-green saber. In fact I haven't seen it online in a long time. What happened?

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Originally posted by Hèkx Nòxú

Are you sure it wasn't a modification altering the sabre?

I've never heard of a magical coloured sabre. :p


100% possitive there were no tricks involved. No mods.. no codes! I know I played all three runs of SP before the 1.04 update, but I'm not sure if I did them before or after the 1.03 update. This was happening when I was still rather n00bish with the game, and I didn't reall know how to do cheats an alterations. Though I did see the blue-green saber online. It was waaaaaaaaay long time ago when I first got the game. One of the peeps had a blue-green saber. The next time I saw it was in Jedi Master mode offline...

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