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look at the reasons i cant view my sig at school

Bob Gnarly

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ahh the joys of high school


im glad i have only 1 more year


then im off to college



anywho, the highschool computers at my school have some program called bess, its a stupid dog thing.


however my brother and his friends did hack it last year and were able to bypass it.

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Originally posted by Pedantic

You could be learning during lunchtime as well. I always study or do homework (no, not finishing up homework for my last periods ;) ) during lunch.



Whoa, the funny thing is, is that I found LucasForums during school. It was during architecture, and we were finishing up all our floorplans and stuff on the computer. One day I got bored so I started surfing the web, found jediknightii.com and a couple days later visited the forums and voila, ckcsaber is born of LF.

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