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bsp probs


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um i try to compile it using the bsp fullvis option and as it starts, it says that "sof2map has done an illegal operation" or something liek that an it wont compile! am i screwed thoroughly or is this fixable? o yea, an i tried compiling jes a blank map an it still had that problem....

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Originally posted by Shotokan

um i try to compile it using the bsp fullvis option and as it starts, it says that "sof2map has done an illegal operation" or something liek that an it wont compile! am i screwed thoroughly or is this fixable? o yea, an i tried compiling jes a blank map an it still had that problem....


You may have already tried the obvious but it's worth mentioning.


--> Reinstall the Application?


are you using GTK? I have never had that kind of error with sof2map



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Erm... The so called 'Radiant compiler' is an independent program, so you will use the same with the other tools.


But! BSP FullVis is a compile option which uses the sof2map compiler, and sometimes it doesn't run, just displays an error mesage with no explanation. In this case the compile process is quite short.


If you use GtkRadiant 1.2.11 or later then run a Q3Map2 compile option. Not the ones starting with '(single)' but those with '(test)'.

Or download the quake toolz mentioned before and q3map2.

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ok fondlemaid... i tried your method but the toolkit is a bit unclear. it wont allow me to load up my map for compiling. itll say unknown filepath or something like that. an lj, ive tried your method but it says a required .DLL file, GLIB-1.3.DLL, was not found an i tried several different of the downloads. i still dont know wat is wrong. the qe3map or watever that came with GTKRadiant wont create .bsp files...

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If q3map2 doesn't create a bsp file it has a good reason. If you don't already have it then enable BSP Monitoring in Preferences, so you can see how the compile is going and GtkRadiant can pick up the error messages of the compiler (q3map2 only).


Oh, and that .dll file can be found where q3map2.exe and the Radiant....exe is. They use it both. So it is probably at C:\Program files\GtkRadiant.

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sorry cybernetix but i deleted the most recent screenshots of my level... hehe... once i get my compiler back in working order then ill see if i can get some up in the showcase forum... o an right now... GTKRadiant isnt working either... *sigh*

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ok uh now gtkrad duznt work.... wen i try to load up my map it says that a texture for a shader can not be found wen the texture is FROM raven. it is not a custom texture. an jk2radiant wont compile anymore. it says sof2map has performed an illegal operation. i have tried uninstalling in an then reinstalling it, but to no avail. please help me! i really wanna finish my map...


thx in advance

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