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The Gravity Thing

Druid Bremen

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Get your thing you would like to break and activate the vacumm. Turn it into a func_breakable. Now func_breakable -> target_activate -> trigger_push. Make the trigger_push inactive. Put a trigger_hurt behind the func_breakable. The player breaks the wall, gets pushed out, and gets killed.

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You use a trigger_push to do the actual throwing of the player into space. The way I did it in Mars, since there's no trigger_activate in MP and I couldnt figure out if a trigger_push can be turned on or off, was to make the trigger_push a really thin brush on the floor and then make an equally thin invisible door above it. When the door was triggered, it moved down and exposed the trigger_push.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

...make the trigger_push a really thin brush on the floor and then make an equally thin invisible door above it. When the door was triggered, it moved down and exposed the trigger_push.


Wedge, great work-around!


Too bad some of the stuff from Single player is not available in MP



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