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Middle-Earth Rpg

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Ok, erm.....


It is a very bright day across all of the nice parts of middle earth.

But there is trouble glooming in the dark lands of Mordor.


Take on the role of a hero or villan and I'll pop in now and again with big story parts. At least two people need to start before I post the next part in the RPG.

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OOC: Lol,no offense dude but that's a pretty lame beginning >.>,not saying I could make a better one or anything but meh.

IC:An elf warrior by the name of Kerea was hunting when he heard a shout somewhere in the east.

The noise was much intune and very loud for almost any body to hear,but not just any body heard it,Kerea did,and so he grabbed his sword and bow an dashed towards the noise.

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(OT sorry I took so long)


Uruk-hai (Lost's translation: Badass Orc), were trying to capture a large troll. The two elves, Jason and Kerea had stumbled onto something big. Bigger than they would have liked.


The orcs finally managed to slow the Troll down with crossbows and chains. And then they noticed the men. 'Elves!' On of the stronger orcs shouted. 'Charge,' The leader growled, 'rip them apart'


The orcs were planning something, something big. Creating a whole new army, of stronger, bigger warriors. Breeding Uruk-hai with Trollkind. And Jason and Kerea are the only thing that stands between them.


Do they run? or will at least one of them try and prevent the orcs from their plan?


(Oh, you choose what to do, you can stop the orcs or run. What you choose effects the way the RPG goes. I dont want to take almost complete control.)

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The Troll swang its giant arm and knocked a group of orcs through the air. The others turned around and helped. There was plenty of chance for the elves to escape, and little chance they will be able to stop the hordes of orcs. But they were not alone. Something was in the forest, weither it was friendly or not is unknown, now anyway.


Will the elves fight the orcs, or take the chance to escape and risk finding out what the creature is?


(Someone can be the creature, or I'll make something up if nobody else does. Its not really a creature, yet, so you can still be anything from Middle-earth within reason)

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Jason starts to run away, and stops some yards later. Suddenly, he heard more orcs and sits there for a while. Finally he begins running away from the battle again, stops turns around and runs twoards it.

Jason: There goes my neutrality


Jason arrives at the battle, nailing an orc with his bow and preparing another arrow.

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-Quickly turns to see where the arrow came from but when he turned, an orc came at him using a club.

Kerea quickly droped to the ground lifting up his legs with pressure kicking the orc in the head,leaping up to grab the club then throwing it at the other orcs shoving his blade into the one he kicked-

"It doesn't seem we're going to get far.."

-Quickly withdraws his blade,pulling out 2 black sharp edged daggers and then forming a stance- "Time to roll."

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A Roar shocked the ground of the raging battlefield. And then there came a beating, the sound getting closer and closer until, A large winged creature shot into veiw from behind the forest. The creature swooped down crushing three orcs in its mouth before throwing them to the back of its throat. The creature's tail whiped around and sliced the flesh of the troll with its spines.


Suddenly a large arrow with a rope attached to it shot from the forest, over the creature and into the ground. The creature beated its wings, pushing itself up into the air, pulling the rope as it went. A man jumped out of a tree, holding the rope and was pulled up to the back of the creature.


'You two elves, run away from the trees, I need to land if you want to be saved. I'll take you to a nearby city. You have to trust me!'


The man wearing all black boarskin leather padding over his scruffy brown shirt was controlling the beast with ease, hovering about the Orcs, killing all those who tried to stop the creature.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Suddenly, they all heard a gleeful laugh as an elf who appeared to be dressed as half elf half man charged in wielding a strange weapon. He held it directly in the center and used it almost as a double sword, leaping and twirling just to stay out of it's path as he swung it this way and that.

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Death pulled out his Double Edged Sword and started swinging it around knocking of The Heads of Urak Hai , then he heard a big thud behind him, he turned around and a troll was standing behind him, ARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! he started running with the troll close on his tail he pulled out his bow and while running jumped over a creator and twirled around and shot off a shot hitting it in the eye then again in the other blinding it, Then ran up to it stabbing it with his double bladed sword relentlessley (spelling!!!!!!!)

Then jumps of the big flying thing and shooting anything with his bow that comes near it

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(This character's name is Arrandir, which basically means outcast. He's the same one that just appeared in the battle)


Arrandir leapt into the center of the battle swinging his strange weapon in every direction imaginable. Orcs attempted to get away from him, but never managed it. Suddenly, as his weapon struck a nearby rock, that end of it burst into flames and he swung it around catching the Orcs on fire. They instantly gave way and ran to extinguish the fire.

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