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New style of playing tffa


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The rounds system of playing TFFA is prevailant in Australian and NZ clan matches, but i wasnt sure if the rest of the world knew about it. My clan , Brunnen - G, first came up with the idea of rounds because we were tired of how crappy ffa was.

FFA consisted of people dfaing constantly, and it was totally random to who would win. So we deceided to make a game play that combined the skill of dueling, with the team play of Counterstrike.


Here it goes:

The game consists of 'rounds' that are kinda like CS's rounds style where if you die, you are 'out'. 'out' is just staying out of where ever you are playing and not interfering in the match. This is too promote conservation of HP, while still attacking your enemies.

Both teams have equal numbers, and line up infront of each other. A count down in given to the round and your off!


No kicking, if you kick you are out of the round.

No force, if force is used the user is out, and if used again its a forfeit for that round.


Everyone who plays this way much perfers it, and its a much better indication of a clans skill than random ffa madness.

If you want a clan match against a Aus + NZ clan in this style, contact us at our forums : http://www.bgclan.orcon.net.nz/


Uhhh btw on the note of saber styles, do you guys(americans) know about how good blue stance is? because everytime i go on one of your severs, everyone cant do proper blue. Trust me on this, blue is the best stance to use as your primary move. You can do 90+ damage in a single hit if you know how, and up to 160 damage with it in a combo. Much more damaging than other stances....contact me directly if you want more info on it


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Hmmm i guess to the rest of the world, skill with the saber doesnt matter.

Kicking is lame, its a free 20 hp gone with no skill needed to use it.

Force....im not even going to go there about how bad it is unless you playing around with it for fun.

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nah i'd rather not. its just quite funny how people want to penalize others who simply use tools that are provided. destroy the means to do it, and you won't need to even MENTION it.




go rpg in your server where you arent an ass to everyone

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This argument about using what is provided is a poor argument that will eventually go around in circles. Once again relate it to CS, everyone hates ppl who use AWP since its one hit kills and just plain cheap. Same with things like force.

I live with it, by using absorb and not using guns, but spread the love!


My server has force enabled for others clans that might want to use it for their practises since we open our servers to anyone who wants to book at match. Why i mentioned the force thing was thats my perferred way of playing it. Thats why i havent disabled force (only throw since i cant stand that).


Another reason not to use force is if you dont use it then you will become better at using your saber, and not relying on force, or how much energy you have left. I could beat another saberist who uses force, because you can just slap on absorb and rape them with your saber *if* you are good with your saber.

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Greetings Yana! -<[KnS]>-Frenzy here giving u some support coz u really look like u could use it in this hostile environment =P


So yeah, the thing is that force powers allow complete noobs to get frags and do lame stuff. Use of the light saber requires skill. Think it's boring, fallen[fk]? i feel sad for ya. come to kempy jk2 server and let [bG] show u how to have a good time (lol i'm serious but that sounded so wrong...)


And i'll vouch that Yana aint no crap jk2 player. He knows his stuff.

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Originally posted by YanaVenter

This argument about using what is provided is a poor argument that will eventually go around in circles. Once again relate it to CS, everyone hates ppl who use AWP since its one hit kills and just plain cheap. Same with things like force.

I live with it, by using absorb and not using guns, but spread the love!


My server has force enabled for others clans that might want to use it for their practises since we open our servers to anyone who wants to book at match. Why i mentioned the force thing was thats my perferred way of playing it. Thats why i havent disabled force (only throw since i cant stand that).


Another reason not to use force is if you dont use it then you will become better at using your saber, and not relying on force, or how much energy you have left. I could beat another saberist who uses force, because you can just slap on absorb and rape them with your saber *if* you are good with your saber.

i'll be glad to take you on :D msg me on aim/msn/icq/yahoo (all in my profile) and we'll have a match to 10 kills in the DUEL gametype (not ffa duels)
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Originally posted by YanaVenter

Thank you captain obvious, but when will you next stun us with your marvelous wit and charm?



Look, don't come in here like you own the place and dis someone just because they disagree with you.


YOU SAID. "Hmmm i guess to the rest of the world, skill with the saber doesnt matter.

Kicking is lame, its a free 20 hp gone with no skill needed to use it.

Force....im not even going to go there about how bad it is unless you playing around with it for fun."


Why bug us can't you don't have skill to handle kicks and full force, go back to your CS.


Your not welcome.

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Now I know it's not right to call people, on and offline, a noob.


But in such a case as this where clients (forum users) post about how noobs only use the force and the kick to gain an advantage, and how lame they are by using them, and potentially causing a flame war by saying that stuff, proves how low noobs like YanaVenter can go.


Not only do noobs use kick and the force, YanaVenter, but experts use them as well.


This flaming will cease, or I will signal the mods..........

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In my experience, experts do not acctually need to use things, such as kick, that cannot be defended against except by running away.

With force, you can use absorb, but lets say in a clan tffa match how can you justify using force powers like lightning as a 'expert' thing to do!


Im not trying to start a flame war, im trying show more ppl there is another world of playing JKII out there, other than tffa madness. How can you deny that the majority of ffa and tffa results in people dfaing almost constantly trying to hit people. Is that really an experts game? Sure you could argue that you get better at using it, but truly against someone who can press the sidestep button in a duel, you are dead!


I apoligise for my orignal flames but really people, once you try this style of playing you wont go back, and i invite anyone to come to kempys to play anyone there.


EDIT: ^_- there was no contact details in your profile....so my icq is 160255537

yahoo: c0rporate_mupp3t@yahoo.com

msn: misanthropy7@hotmail

anyone else wanna duel me, msg me....

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Originally posted by griff38

Look, don't come in here like you own the place and dis someone just because they disagree with you.


YOU SAID. "Hmmm i guess to the rest of the world, skill with the saber doesnt matter.

Kicking is lame, its a free 20 hp gone with no skill needed to use it.

Force....im not even going to go there about how bad it is unless you playing around with it for fun."


Why bug us can't you don't have skill to handle kicks and full force, go back to your CS.


Your not welcome.

I agree completely. Don't dump on other people that want to play the game differently than you do. If you want to advertise another way to play, then fine. Let your idea stand on its own merits. But insulting people is just going to lessen the number of people who want to play.


Originally posted by YanaVenter

In my experience, experts do not acctually need to use things, such as kick, that cannot be defended against except by running away.

With force, you can use absorb, but lets say in a clan tffa match how can you justify using force powers like lightning as a 'expert' thing to do!

Of course "experts" do not need to use Force and kicks to win, but just because they use them doesn't mean that they are not experts. Besides, countering kicks and force powers is gravy for anyone who has played the game for a while. If people can't defend against these things, how can they claim to be experts? To me, it's like saying, "If I take away running, jumping, and shooting, then I am very good at basketball."


Originally posted by YanaVenter

Is that really an experts game?

Who cares? For many, many people, this is a video game, and they just play it for fun, and leave competition to sports or whatever. Playing competatively is fine, but don't demand that everyone play that way :)
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Originally posted by YanaVenter

In my experience, experts do not acctually need to use things, such as kick, that cannot be defended against except by running away.

With force, you can use absorb, but lets say in a clan tffa match how can you justify using force powers like lightning as a 'expert' thing to do!


Im not trying to start a flame war, im trying show more ppl there is another world of playing JKII out there, other than tffa madness. How can you deny that the majority of ffa and tffa results in people dfaing almost constantly trying to hit people. Is that really an experts game? Sure you could argue that you get better at using it, but truly against someone who can press the sidestep button in a duel, you are dead!


I apoligise for my orignal flames but really people, once you try this style of playing you wont go back, and i invite anyone to come to kempys to play anyone there.


EDIT: ^_- there was no contact details in your profile....so my icq is 160255537

yahoo: c0rporate_mupp3t@yahoo.com

msn: misanthropy7@hotmail

anyone else wanna duel me, msg me....

i know several people who are actual experts at the game. they studied the physics of it. and every single one uses force. you show your ignorance by saying u can only do this to counter this blah blah blah. if you were expert, then you would know there are several, or even DOZENS of ways to counter something.


AIM: Rumor pwns j00

MSN: apockalypse@hotmail.com

ICQ: 76477859

Y!: fury_rumor

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you guys are all being, uhh, not nice. this doesn't seem like the welcoming place it used to be, and maybe it isn't any more. stop cutting this poor guy down, cause i'm sure he has lots of valid points. the TFFA thing does sound fun... is it a mod though? because if not it wouldn't work to well due too arses that don't follow rules. anyway, it also seems liek the gametype could be played either with or without force, whatever you prefer i guess heh.


also, YanaVenter, there are a few good dueling servers around, and alot of people do use fast stance in those. but there are still some amazing strong stance users with amazing accuracy. i'm assuming you do know strong stance can cut people down in one hit, using non-specials...

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Originally posted by ryudom

you guys are all being, uhh, not nice. this doesn't seem like the welcoming place it used to be, and maybe it isn't any more. stop cutting this poor guy down, cause i'm sure he has lots of valid points. the TFFA thing does sound fun... is it a mod though? because if not it wouldn't work to well due too arses that don't follow rules. anyway, it also seems liek the gametype could be played either with or without force, whatever you prefer i guess heh.


also, YanaVenter, there are a few good dueling servers around, and alot of people do use fast stance in those. but there are still some amazing strong stance users with amazing accuracy. i'm assuming you do know strong stance can cut people down in one hit, using non-specials...

Perhaps we were a bit harsh, but when someone new pops up on the boards and starts spouting:


Hmmm i guess to the rest of the world, skill with the saber doesnt matter. Kicking is lame, its a free 20 hp gone with no skill needed to use it. Force....im not even going to go there about how bad it is unless you playing around with it for fun.
and when ^_- asked why he didn't just play on no force servers, he responded:
Thank you captain obvious, but when will you next stun us with your marvelous wit and charm? I can't let you stay here when there are so many unsolved crimes that plauge us as a nation. Go, GO!
then people around here get pissed off. There are many people on these boards who are excellent players, and when some new guy (6 posts as of writing this) comes in and calls everyone noobs and starts flaming, he's going to get flamed. And most players around here have heard all the "force, DFA, lunge, pull, push, lightning, and grip is all lame and anyone who uses it is a newb" crap a million times already, and it has just gotten old. All I ask is that people play on servers that cater to the way they want to play. Don't go on other servers and demand that everyone adhere to their own set of rules.


The saddest part is that this idea isn't all bad, and might be fun. But instead if just putting it out there and seeing what people though, he had to start flaming people.


Originally posted by YanaVenter

Uhhh btw on the note of saber styles, do you guys(americans) know about how good blue stance is? because everytime i go on one of your severs, everyone cant do proper blue. Trust me on this, blue is the best stance to use as your primary move. You can do 90+ damage in a single hit if you know how, and up to 160 damage with it in a combo. Much more damaging than other stances....contact me directly if you want more info on it

I'm Canadian, but I'd be happy to learn how you get 90+ points damage out of blue stance with one hit, and 160 damage with lunge. How do you defend against red stance with blue? The red will just bash right through blue's defense.
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well, he said 90 damage with a move, so i'm asuming he's talking about the special... and i dunno, it could be possible maybe, + the 160 damage he said was a combo, so something like back and forth 4 times + lunge. anyway with blue you don't defend against strong, you evade and time right.

also... i've heard of countering strong with fast, (like you can counter strong with strong) but i haven't got it working. anyway lets all play nice now heh

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Originally posted by YanaVenter

My point exactly, what are you gonna do against a person who just pull-throws?

Are there dozens of ways to counter this move other than attempting of getting out of the way?


gf, kthxbye

lol gtfo newb and contact me already. the challenge is out there, so take it. as you obviously can't read well i'll say this again:


there are several, or even DOZENS of ways to counter something.
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Originally posted by ryudom

well, he said 90 damage with a move, so i'm asuming he's talking about the special... and i dunno, it could be possible maybe, + the 160 damage he said was a combo, so something like back and forth 4 times + lunge. anyway with blue you don't defend against strong, you evade and time right.

also... i've heard of countering strong with fast, (like you can counter strong with strong) but i haven't got it working. anyway lets all play nice now heh

I believe that the lunge does 60 points damage (someone can correct me if I'm wrong), but that's nitpicking :) And sure, if you are going to let someone get four or five swipes at once with blue of course your going to lose a bunch of health. But it really isn't worth discussing, we can just wait for him to explain what he means.


You certainly can use blue to fight against red. Timing is certainly important here. But if you use that stance exclusively, you are going to get into trouble against someone who uses red stance with equally good timing. Actually, I tend to use yellow against red because it is a bit better defensively against it and it still gives you more quickness offensively (not to mention more damage than blue).


But you bring up good points :)

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yeah... its hard to say by just talking on the forum heh. you have to really see stuff in action. people can say whatever they want, but unless you've fought them, or they compare stuff to people you've fought, there's no real way of knowing how good they are.

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Heh, yeah. It's a good thing to travel out to different servers and compare your own pros and cons to those of others. Sometimes you got to study your opponents' movements while you time your own counter-attack. Countering strong attacks using the speed combat style is often very effective and successful using the blue special to counter your opponent's red special.


The speed style combat, combined with force speed, is enough to deflect shots from repeaters, regular E-11 blasters, etc.,

except the tenloss rifle. Anyone dumb enough to just simply stand there trying to make a hit on you with a blaster will very quickly die if you aim your reticle and saber on them.


Some of us Americans (that's right, I'm one of 'em!) often use the speed style. I've training to effectively and properly use all three styles!


And YanaVenter, I accept your apology. I'm not sure if griff will, though. But I'm sure you understand. No hard feelings, okay? :cool:

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Ok firstly, i once again i aplogise for my flaming, i had just watched the simpsons episode when the fat dude said that almost same thing to bart. You know the one about how the bum made itchy and scratchy.....anyway, sorry.


Ok now a formal introduction, im YanaVenter from the Brunnen - G clan. Basically, we've beaten every NZ + AUS clan into the ground easily. We won the Jedi Masters Tournament for Aus, NZ and singaporean clans, and didn't lose a single match. Thats not conceit, its fact.

http://www.bgclan.orcon.net.nz/ and http://www.jedimasters.biz

The jedimasters was the tournament website. It details all the rules that might intrest you.


Ryudom - Yes i know about red, i can use it very well. It can do about 120 damage with axe hit (straight down). Red players have to be very careful with their hits, and not to chain them usually, since you leave yourself very open to attack after a 3 chain of hits. Blue players can dart forward and hit for 30 or 60.

You can also use yellow to counter their saber, hit them then move away using yellows ability to hit fast after deflecting a hit. This is very hard to do but quite rewarding.

Yellow hits do the same damage as blue hits, both 30 damage.


Prime - Ill try to record me or someone else using the blue attacks. The back and forth that you guys talk about is very effective if you get good at it, and plays a major part in the move.


There are a number of ways to get extra damage when using the saber. Im sure you would know about the yellow move that can do 60 damage in seeminly 1 hit? If you dont, then what happens when you swing to the left twice, you bring your saber from the left to the right then left correct? Well the transition between the two left hits also counts as a hit. By pressing left, then holding forward+left will do this move. This is a pretty widely known move.


The blue hit that can do 90 damage is based on the same kinda bug, but this one is more obviously presented when it is done.

Press left, and then at the end of the swing press forward + right. You can chain it by repeat it directly afterwards. You can visually see the model jerking to the other side. That jerk is where most of the damage comes from.


Do you guys know about that move? Because i know that hardley anyone in aus does know about it. If not try them out, it might be a bit hard to get them but its worth it.


Uhh ^_-, i added you to my yahoo list and msged you but i saw you were away and i havent gotten a response yet. It might be difficult to organise a time to hit since time differences and i have exams for 2 weeks atm, then holidays after that.


With the rounds style match, yes its hard to pull off if there are ppl fux0ring around, but usually you can do it on most servers if everyone co-operates. Its mainly a clan vs clan thing, but ive seen it been played with just a bunch of random people on servers.


*phew* if ive missed something sorry, its hard to respond to about 6 posts at once


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