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Scion Tarondale

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I'm new to the forums and I was just wondering what your guy's goals will be in SWG, for me I'm thinking about being just a farmer, or possibly a miner, I dont really have any large goals just some average day things. Of course if I ever got the FS and became a jedi of any type I would probally live like Ob-wan did when he got old, though I know I probally will never become a jedi with this character.

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Well in the beginning ill be the biggest and best weapons dude in the town! selling everything to everyone. Then once im able to create some uber weapons and droids then ill be going into battle as a commando, but the ultimate goal is being an 1337 Jedi.

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I want to be a Mercenary. I think this is going to be hard, because in a game like this, if people need help, they just ask their friends. I think the only people I would get jobs from are big RPers. So, I'm a little worried that this idea will just go down the tube, but I'm going to try it anyway.


My second goal is to be a Weaponsmith. I want to master it, and make my own line of blasters that everybody recognizes. The Jackrabbit Special(s). I want to offer good quality blasters at a low price, and they all have a similar stylish design. Almost like Alienware.


My third goal is to own a ship in the Space Expansion. It doesn't have to be that big, but I want to be free to just hang out in space. This will also help with my Mercenary profession, because I can get from planet to planet quickly, and I can use it if I ever have to transport something.

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One of my goals is to build a tignt knit PA of weapons designers/manufacturers.


I want to concentrate on that to start while getting the feel of the game. Once i have made a few good friends (aside from the friends already in my PA) who knows where i'll venture. One of the most exciting things about SWG is that we will have the ablility to try so many different things.


Also, if i open up an FS slot i might be tempted to try my hand at becomming a Jedi... maybe...

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My goals? uhmmm


1st. im gonna take a look around.. get used to the commands and see how everything works

2nd. im gonna try and do a couple of jobs, missions.. and then buy my way onto a transport to Corellia.

3rd. im gonna help out my friends set up our PA. The Associates.

4th. i will try and become a smuggler.



those are my goals :D


edit: oh and forgot:

@ Scion Tarondale


Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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can you steal people's items? like break into their shops and rob them? cuz thats what i would do. i would break in, steal expensive stuff, then i would open up a small shop and sell the expensive items i steal for dirt-cheap (hehe)


i dont have the beta and what not so im really retarded about this game and all mmorpgs.

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I am sure there is a lock on houses that a player can set. They can let friends in, I know that's one of the options.


["Will I be able to throw people out of my cantina or shop?


You can eject people from your structures, and you may also permanently ban unwanted people from you structures as well.


Can we ransack houses and shops?


No. Houses and shops cannot be ransacked.]


I hope that answers it.



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Insane, i agree that it might be fun to play a SWG outlaw for a while and steal peoples stuff, however in the long run i think that this would take away from the game. Players would have little reward for spending time and energy crafting items if someone else kept stealing them and selling them at a discount. This would also ruin the supposedly 99% player run economy.


Maybe you could become a smuggler or join the Hutt faction???


Just ideas...

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uhmm you can NOT steal from people

to enter a house of someone else.. you have to be authorized by the owner of that house.. otherwise you can not enter.


the only way you can 'steal' stuff is.. to kill that person.. and loot is body...


-Wraith 8-

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Originally posted by setsuko

I thought corpse looting was out?

it is? cause a dev posted the other day something like:


community member:

how can i get stormtrooper armor



you can loot it of his dead body.


so i thought it was still in... maybe i missed something tho...

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My goal is to be the first jedi master of both ligth and dark and bounty hunter and kill vader, Luke and the emporer then take total control of the empire. Then place a $1,000,000,000 bounty on Jar Jar's head.

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Originally posted by InsaneBeetle

can you steal people's items? like break into their shops and rob them? cuz thats what i would do. i would break in, steal expensive stuff, then i would open up a small shop and sell the expensive items i steal for dirt-cheap (hehe)


i dont have the beta and what not so im really retarded about this game and all mmorpgs.


No you cannot do this ever.


My goals? To actually survive before being killed by a rat lol.

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