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No Critacizing means not giving help on something.


If something is done by someone and you think it could be better, you could critacise them.


No Flaming means none of this sort of thing


See, there is a huge differance.


The rules just basically sum up to 'BE NICE' so try and stick to that rule instead of trying to find hidden meanings in others.


Edit - I think there is a no Double Posting rule, dont know if its written but its there.


Remember, there is an EDIT button.

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The judges are the moderating and administrating staff. It's a group effort. ;)


The difference between critisizing and flaming is like this:


Critisizing- "Hmm, it needs work," or "It seems unfinished. Is it done?"


Flaming- "God, it's stupid! You're stupid! DIE!"

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Gonkraider, you've been warned :) cool it. We're very laid back people. As much as I enjoy a good swear or taunt, this is a family place, and will remain a family place. We need to not just rip into eachother because the other person said something less intelligent.



Please refrain from abusing other forum goers :)



And have a nice day.

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Well gonk, -the admin- Look like my old name was banned because i pointed out a double standard.. I guess its ok to flame if you were flamed first.. the man acdc didnt evne respond back.. he just unintelligently banned me with out backing up his position.


And to think at one time I used to respect him.. nice to see theres a good old boys club here

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MR.GR who did you used to be?, I'm fed up of you trolls. If you honestly had no reason to be banned then fine welcome back. But I doubt ACDC would have banned anyone for no reason.


I dont think It's right to flame someone if they flame you, but I suppose at least you have a reason.


If this continues I'm off to EB. Sorry guys, but gonk-raider has made me forget about how good my life seems to be getting.


Time for me to celebrate :cool:

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STOP BANNING ME..Your banning me for something i posted before i was warned.. henced i understood not to behave in such a manner... Im a decent person. .try talking to me insted of constantly banning.. I've already halted such behavior.. LEAsson learned.. i was talked to for my behavior.




This punishment seems unwarneted, what happend to all of you?? ARe youl looking for an enemy?

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Your hardly an enemy, just a nuisance. Or as they are called here, a Troll.


When you're banned Is there a time limit? If there is then wait until it is up before returning, it doesnt mean you are supposed to make a new profile.


Stop trying to annoy everyone and just try and get along. I know the swamp has changed since you came her all those months ago but try and appriciate the changes.

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Sir, you've offended me.. I've been calleda troll.. isnt that flamming??? Police .. police!!!?.. funny, no ones warning you.. =\ IM simply trying to use my rights that this forum has given me. I was appreciating it untill iwas banned for something i've alreayd been warned about. READ THE TIME LOGS

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Once again, good old boys club.. Really? its not... well then You're a troll in the sense that you call me names then hide behind a system that obviously doesnt work.



So far.. i;ve been called names and banned for something i was already warrned about.

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Wow. Now i see you'll defend your position to avoid ridicule.



Sir, You've banned me for misbehaviing.. I told you i would stop, read the time stamps. AFter i was warnned i didnt say anything to deserve this.



Who's pushing this railroading.. Show your self puppet master!!

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Final word, Now.. im about to call this flamming..




:rolleyes: I know you'll all say its not.. but to give him amnisty is to give me a free past too.. fore my original thread that warrned me was no better then this young mans comment right here.


Im sad that you all seem to be so willing to see me gone that you'll push the rules aside so people can get their pot shots in so i'll say something to make my situation worse.



I Suppose im done for now.. though i dont know if i'll return in 24 hours with such obvious favoritism.




:rolleyes: x100

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oi.... :rolleyes:


Calling someone a troll isn't flaming. A troll means coming back and making fun of everyone, or spamming. The admins don't consider this an insult or flame.


Just IP ban KONGREDIAD, and close the thread. Not trying to tell you guys how to do your job, but it would work. :p

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