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just a newbie question


How noobish am I? J/w  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. How noobish am I? J/w

    • Extremely noobish! You suck!
    • Your kinda dumb not really
    • You just need to read more faqs and stuff
    • You rule! You are like Einstein

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lol.. questions are always good :D

i voted number 3 tho :D


uhmm there are certain rules to shooting someone.

there are combat area's where you can just go at it.

there are save zones you cant attack anyone at all.


But im not quite sure if the accept chgalenge thingy is still in there... other than that.. almost everywhere you can attack someone (or ask him/her to)


-Wraith 8-

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There is a few ways for you to be able to attack another player.


1) You challange the person. The other player is free to decline, or strike the first blow that starts the duel.


2) You are members of two different PA's that has declared war on each other.


3) One of you is an overt rebel, while the other is an overt imperial.


4) You are on two different sides in a Battlefield.


(I'm not sure if this is still in, but: 5. You are in a free-for-all zone)


Hope that helps a little, and remember: noobs are simply future pillars of the community! ;)


EDIT: oh, and the safe zones are pretty much restricted to the towns where new players begins. These things make it easy to avoid PvP completely if you don't like it, and it is still reasonably simple to find a conflict if you are an avid PvP'er. I like it.

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i also voted noob :mob:



i have 3 more questions:


can you run over people with a landspeeder/swoop/whatever?




lets say you're a jedi. can you get on a swoop, go super fast, then when you're near someone, you jump off, ignite your saber in the air, and slash their head clean off? it'd be a cool acrobatic move, just wondering if it could happen.




can you shoot, lets say, a kaduu, then run away to a crowd of people, then the kaduu attacks the people? heh itd be funny




swoop drag racing for credits? :)

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The safe zones will be the starting towns. That is all we know for sure. I doubt there'll be many others. There is no actual need for other safe zones, because it is a danger that is 100% voluntary. If you want safe zones, don't join a war, simple as that! :)


And no, you can't run over people with vehicles. Because vehicles are not in yet! :D We'll see later on how they implement it, there's been a lot of arguing about this issue on the Station.




If you shoot a kaduu, and run towards a lot of people, the kaduu would still be aggro on you, until another player attacks it. That is, a creature will go for the person who has caused the most damage to it, when it has a chance to attack two (or more) players. So, until the other players do something stupid, they'll be rather safe (but if they were wise, they'll give the kaduu some space, because you never know... ;) )

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