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OOBAR mooves petishun for Jedaye night 3!!!!!111


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omg leik i think ew nead liek 45 difrint sabar speshul moovs for jedi knife 3 bcuz spechul movies are cool and they lake make it leika reel cheep butt. its still fun tho cuz every1 just goes and cumplainz abut them cuz theydo toomuch damazge and they flaim ravin but its not thir fault and leik. yeah so i.


ok just think we nead mor movez in jo3 so leik yah. i start petshun u sign kthxbye?


:p:biggs: :biggs: :bdroid2::amidala::atat::band::bdroid1::jawa

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I'll translate:


"JK3 should have lots (at least 45) special moves for the lightsaber, they look very cool and do lots of uber-realistic damage, a lot like special moves in pro-wrestling. Yes they may be unbalanced, cause unforseen bugs and glitches, be endlessly exploited and result in numerous patches that make things worse. BUT, they are FUN :)"

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