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some thoughts on bombers and swgb2


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i love bombers!

most people think they suck because they can be picked off by anti air and air units but if you have a phalnax of bombers you can shread through enemy lines like cake.


its great to turn a rush attack of noob trade fed mechs with a big ol cloud of bombers.




i think there should also be tatical strike bombers in the new one, much more expensive like a cruiser but faster - that could almost take out any building with one payload (save fortresses).


they would have to be brought back to base and reloaded.


just an idea.:atat:

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I think the bombers (as well as all the flying ships) need to be more... realistic. Having fighters just sitting there in space is so stupid. They need to be moving like the CnC: Generals planes are. And when they're done, they land back at the hanger, but unlike CnC:G I think the hanger should hold more than 4 ships...


Also, speaking of bombers, I think the actual bombs should have an area effect. Like you click an area on the ground where you want them to drop the bomb(s) and say it happens to be where there is a small army heading towards your base. You drop the bomb and say it takes out all the troopers and damages the mechs.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

I think the bombers (as well as all the flying ships) need to be more... realistic. Having fighters just sitting there in space is so stupid. They need to be moving like the CnC: Generals planes are. And when they're done, they land back at the hanger, but unlike CnC:G I think the hanger should hold more than 4 ships...


Also, speaking of bombers, I think the actual bombs should have an area effect. Like you click an area on the ground where you want them to drop the bomb(s) and say it happens to be where there is a small army heading towards your base. You drop the bomb and say it takes out all the troopers and damages the mechs.


That's much like FC.... and I like that...

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For the advanced bombers of the non-shielded civs, an upgraded anti-air turret will destroy them with one shot. (a post 4 one). and the turrets can be seekers too (never miss). even with shielded aircraft the turrets are devastating. Im tired of air cruisers being destroyed with 3 shots by a turret. i don't even think they can run away even if they start the moment the first misslile is coming. With the attack ground they outrange turrets when done right, but with rurets in dangerous formations this already difficult (well somewhat) task is impratical.

I think in gb2 aircraft should be 2 or 3 times tougher, similiar speed, same attack. Anit-air mobiles, troopers, and destroyers should be abou the same in deadliness (so with the upgrade of the air hp the attack of these also goes up) But turrets and fighters shouldn't be as deadly against aircraft. In gb2 the balance will definately be different so this could be worked out if they start on this early.


--so for balance bombers and fighters should be better but more expsensive (they are cheap when you think realistically) for gb2 (if it exists).

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Lol, i don't think 30 would do it. Most people that late in the game would have anti-air turrets, and more than 1 would likely halt your attack. What if they have 1 fighter? Only 1 will mean death for the fighters. and ground anti-air. A shielded fortress.


A group of 70-some of fighters and a group of 70-some bombers (all post Naboo)with 16 acs for support as well as mniimal ground support had took about 57% casualties in overwhelming a base, which didn't have much anti-air.

The fighters cleared out their air and took hits bombers went straight for turrets.


I was desperate so i wouldn't recommend this (not like its original or anything). What if, going straight for the anti-air, i kil all anti-air but 1 100 hp turret and the entire force is killed before it even targets ground forces (assuming ti didn't have as much)? That would be extremely annoying.

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