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Ideas to Revive the Forum

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well... if anyone wants to actually play, drop me a PM/post here and maybe we'll get together. I'm gonna have a 4 day weekend (good friday and something on monday) so I guess I could adapt to some foriegn time.... hopefully we can get a 2v2 going...

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ok,.. I should be free all night, so if ya want to get together, talk to me on AIM (clcik on "AIM Button" below my post.


UPDATE: Since tomorrow is Easter and I have to get up at 6 in the morning for the easter sunrise thingy, I can only play til Midnight (EST), but tomorrow night, I will be free because I get Monday off too :D


also, remember, I suck majorly. Maybe if we can turn this into a weekly "celebration" thingy, I could get better.....

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