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Nerf Kicking!!!


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kicking someone is faster and easier than hitting someone with the lightsaber and does too much damage. WHat's the point of even having your lightsaber out besides being able to saber throw and blocking? in FF games nobody even swings the saber anymore, just kick and throw.

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Nerf Kicking!!!
ok I used to agree with you on this point, but since I got a faster puter, I can kick with the best of them, I play mostly CtF but under stand what you mean about kicking is quicker. problem would be if you nerfed it, then in saber only games the only move you would see is DFA being spammed, how boring is that! there is no problem in kicking the problem was in the nerf of saber damage. the only way to fix kicking would be to put saber damage back up and not to put kicking damage down... the fan boys got hold of the game, they did not like that move.. and they cried for a nerf... then all of a sudden a different move was "to powerful" and they cried again NERF.... and so on ands so on.. you see the pattern!!! LMFAO if they carried on nerfing you would of ended up in a game that the only way to die would be if you fell of a ledge.
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No cause then the Fanboys would cry for a new forcepower


Force Float Default Key F9

When Falling off a Ledge Press F9 and it will give you the power to grow wings as in Red Bull Commercials. You will Gain the Power to fly back up to the platform and perform an emote and Spam Asking for another Duel.

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Originally posted by Grossen

kicking someone is faster and easier than hitting someone with the lightsaber and does too much damage. WHat's the point of even having your lightsaber out besides being able to saber throw and blocking? in FF games nobody even swings the saber anymore, just kick and throw.

y wanna kno why? cause people like you b^tched about the saber damages and got them nerfed to hell. learn to counter something before you go off saying "OMFG TEH MOVE IZ DESTROYING TEH GAME!!!111 IT MUST BE STOPPED!!!"


[Edit Taos - We don't need the attitude around here, thanks.]

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

why do ppl wanna nerf everything about this game?

if everything anyone has ever wanted taken out all there would be left is trying to poke ppl with your saber without swinging it...nothing else

Compared with 1.02, we are half way there... :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Duelist

Newbies probably find it too easy to get killed.

This is true. Unfortunately, the conclusion that was reached was "let's cater to the newbies".


To kick you tap your jump button twice quickly.

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