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Stealth?? In or out, make up your mind.


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Anyone played Hitman 2? I think that one shows some really great level design. You can complete the levels without having to kill anyone but the target (you are a hitman, so that's kinda obvious really..), but you're also a one-man army, and can go around and kill everyone in the whole level. Deus Ex is also a good example at this. You should be able to choose your way of playing!!


Personally, I don't think jedi's are supposed to run around and kill everything in their way. And neither should Sith's, that would only blow their cover (Okey, there isn't many sith lords in those games but anyway). It's just plain stupid. Oh, and the fact that almost every creature you meet is an enemy is also kinda dumb. More civilians I say!

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I completely agree about the civilian thing. JKII had basically no neutral civilians. And as I said in another post, if they would just implement a usefull stealthy weapon, then I would be happy. Like a silenced slugthrower would be a non energy based quiet weapon with enough range that you don't have to be right with the enemy to use it. And, it is canon with SW anyway, even if it is old school in it.


Just my 2 cents

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Jedi's never kill everything, there keepers of the peace, not soldiers, Sith don't either, they are even more stealthy then the jedi, there is only two of them at a time and they only come out once and a while when it is the right time to catch jedis or there targets off gaurd. So yeah really there should be the option to sneak around behind enamies instead of an all out war all the time.

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Stealth would be nice as an option, and also an allignment to the Force kind of thing. Hatred and power, or doing what has to be done, peaceful jedi.


However, that won't be the case. I never did like the fact that in JO and JK, I could disarm people, make them run for their lives, but then I could also mercilessly destroy them. It was like "is there a reason as to why I killed them". Technically, you can play the peaceful jedi in JO and most likey JA as well. Force pull is the key, just tear the weapons away, and if they pick em back up, well then I guess you gotta dispatch... or just run away. However, there is no reward or suitable justification for that, which is disappointing.



A word on the Sith and stealth:

YOU ARE, AND NEVER SHALL BE, A SITH IN ANY OF THE DARK FORCES GAMES. THE SITH ARE DEAD. THE RULE OF TWO IS NO MORE.... JEREC WAS NOT A SITH, NOR WERE ANY OF HIS PEOPLE. Stealth and Sith don't go together... because they don't exist! They died on the Death Star. Tradition is dead. :p Also, if stealth was Sith and Jedi quality, we are right back to square one. Why should stealth be in the game if it doesn't make a difference as to what my character is? I guess that's the primary reason Raven is leaving that part out. Everyone is going to think of themselves as a Sith while playing, or something. Well, to each his own, right?

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The Sith arent totally dead are they? Correct me if im wrong but In EU palpatine brings jedi to the dark side, as well as luke doesnt he? I havn't read expanded universe at all but I picked up that much. As long at palpatine is floating around the potential for a sith rain of terror is very likely. :D

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Originally posted by MattJedi

Jedi's never kill everything, there keepers of the peace, not soldiers, Sith don't either,


woah woah woah. Hate to burst your bubble, but sith DO kill, very much infact. Whenever A Sith has the choice, I would think, he kills. Whenever he does, he is not stealthy.


And believe you me, Jedi kill. Jedi kill.

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Jedi's try to negotiate whenever possible and if that doesnt work it usually results in a fight, sith don't go around killing everyone, that doesnt really aid there purpose, there purpose was to ilimate the jedi order and in oder to do that they had to stay on the down low. If they went around killing everyone the jedi would be on to them in no time!

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They need to incorporate some Deus Ex game-play into each mission. The player should be able to choose how to accomplish the said goal.


For instance: A "Quake-loving" player could buff up on tank killing force powers that allowed him to blow through a level just like most levels in JK II. A "Thief-loving" player could buff up on force powers that allowed him to sneak through the level with a minimal amount of killing (in a more Jedi manner in my mind). And then there could be the more balanced approach of a little bit of sneaking mixed in with the appropriate amount of killing.


Selection of force powers SHOULD make this possible. It just depends whether or not the developers want to spend the time ensuring each level is open-ended enough to allow more than the "kill everything" approach.


One thing I do hope they bring back from DF:JK are the neutral NPC's -- People you can kill if you are evil and those you don't have to if you are good (or can even protect in that case).

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As for Stealth, I want it to be a full game "option", with several instances where you can sneak instead of fight, I want two things for this: 1- force seeing on SP, and hopefully noiseless, so no-one on the other room can hear the vision sound. 2- take off the footsteps sound when walking, so you can play stealth whenever you want in some point of the stage.

If stealth goes in it may work only against non force-sensitive enemies (mercs, imperials (hope they're in)). those bad guys in the screenshots may be able to sense so stealth doesn't work against them.

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I have to say that since this is supposed to be a Star Wars game, where Jedi are supposed to uphold peace, be great protectors etc, that a game where you have to use your brain makes far more sense, afterall everyone wanted to be a Jedi after making a big fuss about the guns in JK2.


I'm sure Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin were the exceptions in preferring aggressive negotiations rather than the norm....


From what i've heard so far JA seems to be mindless saber battles, I prefer mindless battles to be restricted to multiplayer, I want to use my brain in a singleplayer game.

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They didn't prefer aggressive negotiations, If jedi are faced with a battle they have to fight, look at the start of Episdode 1 as a prime example of a negotiation getting out of control, they defended themselves and tried to get in at the viceroy to make them disingage the blockade but when **** hit the fan with the droids they had to use stealth to warn the Naboo of the attack.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

I prefer mindless battles to be restricted to multiplayer, I want to use my brain in a singleplayer game.


I totally agree. While it might be an action-FPS title, I would strongly argue there is a great need for more thought-provoking gameplay elements, especially stealth, and stealth-oriented puzzles and dynamics. However, the point is moot, because Raven have already stated they are not focusing on stealthy gameplay with this title.


I just hope they consider it for any further sequels that might arise...

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