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Monkey Island - THE MOVIE!

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Here is a scene i found on this site a while ago.



"Monkey Island Movie Posted by CarlaComments: 0

If you ever wished for a Monkey Island movie, here's the start. A guy named "Dom" has produced a film, a students project for his university, which deals with the LeChuck-Bob scene from 'The secret of Monkey Island'.

Watch the Scummbar-hosted-movie:"

----(from the news section on http://www.milegend.com)----




this is pretty good.

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For my Film coursework I recently storyboarded a scene I wrote as the pre-titles sequence to a Monkey Island movie. It featured Guybrush fighting a captain and then a monkey dropped a melon on his head... ok well we had limited frames so I had to make do But I was particulary proud of how Guybrush looks through his journal as the camera fades in adn turns into the titles with Guybrush's drawings explaing the back story :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

:guybrush: Orlando , Leo (Hearthrob type person i guess)

:elaine: Someone like pinks attitude (No nessacerily that but you get the idea, a young blod stong female type) but the looks of liv tyler

:lechuck: Brian Blessed/Tim Curry

Murray..You really cant get much better than the origanal voice

:stan: deff Jim Carry he could deff. Carry it off

:toothrot: Ok Ok I havent really thought of that but answers on a postcard!!!

Voodoo Lady...Woopie Goldburg


I cant think of many more of the top of my head but these probably would be the main ones. I like the idea of an animation too, Monkey island ala toy story!


I Know i cant spell im blonde ok!!!


Luv, MA

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If they did make a movie (which would be AWESOME!!!) I think it would probably come off better as an animated movie with the oringinal voices from the game. From the CMI game that is, I couldn't stand Elaines new voice in EMI.

However I like I_Cheeses actor choice fo Stan, I would love to see Jim Carrey take that part.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you look at the history of comic remakes like The Flinstones, Scooby Doo. The voices don't sound exactly like the tv shows but the actors do try. Like that Shaggy guy or Velma. (but ANYWHO)


I think what you could have live actors. Acting along CGI characters or puppets. Le Chuck would be a CGI buttkicker and that'd allow the original actor to play the voice.


OR what you could have is like in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow where there's the actors and everything else is completely CGI.


OR you do a Polar Express. Where the actors completely act out the entire movie they provide the voices but it's all in drop dead gorgeous CGI.


I would have to barf constantly if it was all done in Escape from Monkey Island graphics. NO

It wouldn't even be able to STAND on it's own two feet at the box office. Look at the top 10 grossing films of all time. All of them had massive special effects.


But I'd like to see George Lucas direct it. It'd be cool to have it filmed all at one time. And have escape from monkey island rewritten a bit. Have Murray a little more (i dunno really get some top notch humor in) That way you could have all the cast for all four and you wouldn't have to worry about people dying or changing Guybrushes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi im new to these posting boards but not new to monkey island i might add :)


My vision of gybrush come is the flesh and bone form of Topher Grace from 'that 70s show'. Hes skinny a little geeky and well dammnit youll just have to watch the show to se why hes perfect. He delivers his lines in such a comical way...you should check it out an let me know what you think.





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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that lad from Billy Elliot would be a perfect Guybrush. But then again I'm the type of person that thinks the monkey island series should have english accents. After all there were no americans when pirates roamed the seven seas, mostly english, french and dutch if my memory serves me well.

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Originally posted by smokes o' pot

I think that lad from Billy Elliot would be a perfect Guybrush. But then again I'm the type of person that thinks the monkey island series should have english accents. After all there were no americans when pirates roamed the seven seas, mostly english, french and dutch if my memory serves me well.


yeah, even still though, Billy Elliot (or whatever his name was). I dunno, i just can't see him doing the kind of comedy we get in Monkey Island. PLus, he's a lot older now right? I don't think he'd look the part.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ew no not the boy out of billy elliot, it should be an actor in his twentys, who looks ok with a beard (for possible sequals) i dont think animated monkey island would work, (the graphics arnt that advanced yet, except for final fantasy but that blew all its budget on effects but no story). I dont think the voices would matter to much, i think a reversed indiana jones is the best way to look at it, the fate of atlantis didnt have harrison fords voiceover! I would like to see a film loosly based on monkey island 1, icluding sword fighting, with insults, the circus cannon, maethook, the voodo lady, elaines mansion, and the army of the undead, but unlike pirates of the carrabian its rootbeer that kills them. The film should have a new title like GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD : the curse of monkey island, Guybrush threepwood Vs the army of the ghost pirate le chuck. Monkey island : The movie, The Island of monkeys, or something better. Pirates of the carribian had so many monkey islandisms it was silly, orlando bloom was guybrush threepwood, but keira knightly wasnt much of a governer marley. I would like to see brian blessed in the film as well as harrison ford as hermin toothrot hehe yes that would be cool, ewan mc gregor as the sword master, lets be honest the best lucas arts films dont use famous actors, i think a cast of upcoming actors in the main roles would be the best.

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Orlando Bloom as Guybrush? I certainly don't think so.


1. He looks completely different

2. Playing pirate again in another pirate movie than Pirates of the Caribbean wouldn't work. His pirate character is whatshisname from PotC, and everybody connects Orlando Bloom as a pirate to that character. Just because he fits well as a pirate in PotC doesn't mean that he would work as Guybrush


Of all the suggestions, I think the guy from Malcolm in the middle is the best. I can clearly see some similarities beteen him and Guybrush (from the MI1 closeups). But I don't want him to be Guybrush in the movie.


Look at the MI1&2 front covers, and find someone that looks like Guybrush on these pictures. I have tried, but can't find anyone...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Mullog

I like the idea of a movie where you get the choice of dialog.


they actually have movies like that, where the people in the audience vote for actions/dialogue


they just stopped making them b/c people would screw with the movie, and make the main character die early in the movie

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  • 5 weeks later...

guybrush : "Rusty Jacobs" , didn't find a picture on the net...


... he is exactly the type of actor , with the exact look.


@edit : OK , he is too old . maybe he can play a small part in a scene , as guybrush is dreaming about his future with marlene together with his kids .





what about some actors from "parker lewis" , not as guybrush but as "Rapp Scalion" or "hermann Toothroot" or as "MONKEYS"?

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