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Thats pretty complicated..


Well just grab a picture what you like and resize it with photoshop or something like that really but make it 70x70 in size or lower.


And for a signiture image just do the same but make it 500x80 and buy an code at the store for 900 credits..


[And I havent got any credits... :sweat:]


Oh and its my 2100th post.

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For avatars, you must resize a picture to 70x70 pixels and under 20kb. If you want a sig image, you must buy it for 900 credits. I believe the dimensions for a sig image are 500x80 or somewhere around there. :p


Edit: Looks like Captain wing decided to be a little more helpful. ;)

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Originally posted by Pedantic

For avatars, you must resize a picture to 70x70 pixels and under 20kb. If you want a sig image, you must buy it for 900 credits. I believe the dimensions for a sig image are 500x80 or somewhere around there. :p


Edit: Looks like Captain wing decided to be a little more helpful. ;)


I missed out the 20kb thing.. :) And for signiture images your image has to be under 50kb. Hope this helps!

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