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when does kicking become....


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Originally posted by griff38

Of the last 465 kills I have made in FFA, 32 of them were kick kills. That means 6.88% of my killing is from kicks. It's my 7th favorite way to kill.


So I guess I am as Lame as they come. Or at least 6.88% of me is!

Noooooooooooo your my hero you cant be Lame :)

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kicks alone u can't win. More interesting things include ptk's and gk's. Where that takes more skill than just regular kicking. Especially to hit someone on the run or avoid getting pushed in the middle of grip. about 30 percent of my kills comes from kicks in sabers. however about 80 percent of the damage is done from kicking.


like none in guns.

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kicks alone u can't win. More interesting things include ptk's and gk's. Where that takes more skill than just regular kicking. Especially to hit someone on the run or avoid getting pushed in the middle of grip. about 30 percent of my kills comes from kicks in sabers. however about 80 percent of the damage is done from kicking.


second of all, there is no way to stop kicks. You can avoid by ducking and rolling but its not guarantee to stop one. Only guaranteed way to do the same damage ur opponent does to you from a kick is to pk them or pull them down when they are in air from a kick and kick back. add in a throw if u want to.

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Kicking is ok. I especially like it when your opponent thinks you're playing without kicks as some kind of default rule, hahaha!!


But I don't whore it, then it gets very boring. But an occasional kick is great and you can finish ppl off with it in a nice way :D

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Kicking is ok. I especially like it when your opponent thinks you're playing without kicks as some kind of default rule, hahaha!!


But I don't whore it, then it gets very boring. But an occasional kick is great and you can finish ppl off with it in a nice way :D


ROLF yeaa its a good way to finish, but i find you can go the whole fight with out one Kick, and you use it and they die... then your being called a kick hore LOL

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

ROLF yeaa its a good way to finish, but i find you can go the whole fight with out one Kick, and you use it and they die... then your being called a kick hore LOL

Jeez, you use it once you are called a kick whore, or lamer, or...
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Hehe :D I love kicking! I try not to do it that often, but occasionally I go all out at times. Usually when there are 3 or more guys on me I just kick them so my saber wont be down. Then they run off for some health and then come back but it's all good. One of my personal favorites is pulling a gun from a person, kicking them in the process, and then sabering them while they are down or fumbling around for another gun. :p

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People need to learn to get around problems, it's like just when the game got out, everyone was using lighting, and they wore like "No lighting, it is lame!"

But offcource, they use it anyway.


I died 50 times before i managed to get him, and then i was very happy! :) and then i know how to get them!


Anyway, if anyone is trying to kill me just by kicking, i can tell them that they are unexperienced, and they may maybe hit me once or two, but usually i will defeat them easily, by a combination of using the saber and kicking.


My favorite trick is when they try to jump and kick you, you jump with them and hit them in the air with the saber, and they allways have their saber down so you get a very good hit :sbdance

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