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Those of us who play with Macs


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Originally posted by txa1265

Funny ... since I use the Intellimouse Explorer (5 buttons!) I don't ever think about that ... I didn't realize it.


How do you do alt-attacks?




Can you configure the IntelliMouse Explorer buttons? I have it too, but it seems to me I can only configure it if I set the buttons to work as, say ctrl, by using the windows software... :(

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Can you configure the IntelliMouse Explorer buttons? I have it too, but it seems to me I can only configure it if I set the buttons to work as, say ctrl, by using the windows software... :(


Yes - there is software for OS X available at http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouse/download.asp


I use it on both of my Powerbooks (12" and TiBook) and it works great. I have my mouse buttons ideantical for Mac and Windows ... makes gameplay very easy for things I play on both.



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Originally posted by Anakin

Im still waiting for my replacment laptop to turn up, My nice new 17" Powerbook.




I use one of those Microsoft Notebook Mice, now they are nice :)


I was thinking about a 17", but since between my 12" and 1GHz TiBook I find myself using the 12" more, I chose not to order.


BTW - do you need any memory? I have a new 512MB for the 17".


Also ... I've gotten hooked into this 5-button mouse. Buttons 1 & 2 are the 'normal' attack and alt-attack. 3 is on the wheel, and I have that mapped to saber stance. 4 & 5 are at my thumb, and I have those for push and pull. Keeps me from having to move my hands much.



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Eh, that's not what I meant. I use WinXP so I don't have mac problems :) But I meant to say that the thumb buttons can only be assigned in windows, to certain functions. Example: I have the large thumb button assigned to double clicked, that is basicly mous1, right? (but then double ;))


In JO, when I go to controls and I try to assign the large thumb button to an action (say pull), it says it's mouse1, BUT IT ISN'T!! :(


The only way to work around this is, to assign the thumb button in windows (using intellipoint) to, let's say 'x', and then assign 'x' in JO to pull. But I'd like to have the thumb buttons to be called mouse4 and mouse5 :(


Intellipoint sofftware doesnt do that :(


Oh and I realise thise is slightly off-topic :(:o sorry...

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Originally posted by txa1265

I was thinking about a 17", but since between my 12" and 1GHz TiBook I find myself using the 12" more, I chose not to order.


BTW - do you need any memory? I have a new 512MB for the 17".


Also ... I've gotten hooked into this 5-button mouse. Buttons 1 & 2 are the 'normal' attack and alt-attack. 3 is on the wheel, and I have that mapped to saber stance. 4 & 5 are at my thumb, and I have those for push and pull. Keeps me from having to move my hands much.





Thanks for the offer - but I already got the memory when I ordered it from work :) I have wait until 9th of May until it arrives.....

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Eh, that's not what I meant. I use WinXP so I don't have mac problems :) But I meant to say that the thumb buttons can only be assigned in windows, to certain functions. Example: I have the large thumb button assigned to double clicked, that is basicly mous1, right? (but then double ;))


In JO, when I go to controls and I try to assign the large thumb button to an action (say pull), it says it's mouse1, BUT IT ISN'T!! :(


The only way to work around this is, to assign the thumb button in windows (using intellipoint) to, let's say 'x', and then assign 'x' in JO to pull. But I'd like to have the thumb buttons to be called mouse4 and mouse5 :(


Intellipoint sofftware doesnt do that :(


Oh and I realise thise is slightly off-topic :(:o sorry...


Ahhh ... I see now.


I guess I don't run into that because I don't remap for anything in Windows (or OS X), just for games ...



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okay lets get one thing straight, i got turned off macs when our highschool got one of the first iMacs in Australia, and i was given it to set up for our incompetant teacher...simple plug and play yeah, but then we got to 'play around' with it. The teacher kept bubbling about how powerful it was, and how much better it was than the brand new P-III chips that were starting to come out at the time. What what myself and about 4 other guys (who, like me, have used computers since they were in pre-school) I'm not sure what OS it used (i think it was OS8, but i dont know), but i hated the interface, had to shift windows around to get to anything. Then we started to play one of the bundled games, Turok, if i recall. I know the ATI Rage that came with the early iMacs wasnt the best example of a video card at the time, but this game went terribly. There was no fog, it just clipped the view at the certain distance, whenever a dinosaur came onto the screen the framerate dropped through the floor, and the image quality was terrible. This coupled with the terrible control config (and freaken wierd round mouse with one button) just made me shake my head at the teacher who said it was the fastest and most powerful desktop computer ever made.


They may look 'groovey' but underneath that colourful moulded plastic exterior, they're nothing more than glorified video and graphics editing machines, and theres nothing thats going to change my mind about that.


PS. I'm from australia, and i dont know how popular Macs are in 'the land of the free', but the only place you'll see them here is in universities these days, being used as (well what do ya know?) video editing systems, and the occasional G4 for simple web browsing.


So, to repeat, JA probably wont (in my opinion) be ported to mac, because (still my opinion folks) it will neither be economically feasible nor will it be technologically feasible.

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Originally posted by Matariel


So, to repeat, JA probably wont (in my opinion) be ported to mac, because (still my opinion folks) it will neither be economically feasible nor will it be technologically feasible.


OK, so we've firmly established that you had a crappy one-off experience with a Mac a few years ago running an old OS, and have forever condemned everything Mac and Apple. Which is about as useful as people who use Win95 and 95 as proof that all PC's are crap and Windows can't last 10 minutes without crashing ... can we please drop the OS bashing line??!?!?!?!


Your last statement 'not economically or technologically feasible' makes no sense to me, so I'd like to ask you to explain further. Do you realize that Jedi Knight II was ported to the Mac? Do you also realize that JKII was a great seller on both the PC and the Mac? Do you further realize that current Mac's, running OS X, are quite capable of running all of the current crop of high-end PC games - including JKII, SoFII, RtCW, MoHAA, and so on? And as I said before, my best graphics performance on Yavin Swamp was not on my Dell 2.53GHz desktop with 128MB GF4 Ti4600, but my Mac Titanuim Powerbook G4?


Can you see how I don't understand your assertions? I am always interested in objective and fact based discussions.



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Originally posted by HertogJan

How much fps did you get then?? I get 70 average I think... in the swamp that is, the rest is 90/100...


You know ... I never checked it there !!! Unbelievable! I know my Dell Inspiron 8200 (1.8GHz P4, 64MB GF4 GO 440) only got ~30FPS, and the Dimension was better but not 60. The Powerbook was just smooth as silk and graphically seemed more beautiful (maybe because I wasn't annoyed at how choppy it got).


I have heard that the next TiBook is just waiting for volume on the new ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 ... if so, it will be MINE!



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A teacher of mine a couple of years ago had a cool mac, very small, but with some laptop features and a semi-normal OS... That looked great!!


Other then that, I HATE MACS!! It's hardware sometimes sucks, but I got to admit I don't know much about it.


But even if they had the best of all hardware, I would't buy it, because I hate those freakin' colors... WHY WOULD I WANT A PINK COMPUTER??!! :rolleyes::D

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okay, what im saying here is from what ive seen in australia, the Mac is not popular at all down here, so i dont know how popular it is in the US or wherever else.

First of all, i dont think a mac release will be economically feasible (down here at least) because sales will not justify the conversion cost. Again, im only speaking as a gamer from australia, where over 90% of gamers systems are PCs.

Second, i dont think that a mac port of JA will be technologically feasible because only the high end, top of the range macs can run it. Like the brand new ones with ge-force's in them. Correct me if im wrong on this, but how do u go about upgrading a mac? i thought it just wasnt possible, you had to buy almost a complete system again. Then again, i havent looked into it.


You say you get better playing performance out of your powerbook, but i wouldnt play games on a laptop unless i was forced to (like if my actual computer exploded) And please tell me that the standard macintosh mouse has more than one button now :) i couldnt game with one button even if my life depended on it

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Originally posted by HertogJan

A teacher of mine a couple of years ago had a cool mac, very small, but with some laptop features and a semi-normal OS... That looked great!!


Other then that, I HATE MACS!! It's hardware sometimes sucks, but I got to admit I don't know much about it.


But even if they had the best of all hardware, I would't buy it, because I hate those freakin' colors... WHY WOULD I WANT A PINK COMPUTER??!! :rolleyes::D


Bigotry and prejudice are not just about people, you know. They are attitudes based on strong opinions formed from little information.


I don't want a pink computer either. I have an aluminum and a titanium one.


I want reliable hardware. I've not rebooted my Powerbook in over 2 weeks. Close the lid, take it with me. Switch from home wireless to work wireless to FAB wired to ... all without rebooting. I never have had a PC laptop work like that!


But - the reason we're here isn't Mac or PC - I own more PC's than Macs', in fact ... we just want to play JA on a Mac. I think I will be able to - and that you never will, so it doesn't matter to you - which makes me ask why you're here in this thread?



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Originally posted by Matariel

okay, what im saying here is from what ive seen in australia, the Mac is not popular at all down here, so i dont know how popular it is in the US or wherever else.

First of all, i dont think a mac release will be economically feasible (down here at least) because sales will not justify the conversion cost. Again, im only speaking as a gamer from australia, where over 90% of gamers systems are PCs.

Second, i dont think that a mac port of JA will be technologically feasible because only the high end, top of the range macs can run it. Like the brand new ones with ge-force's in them. Correct me if im wrong on this, but how do u go about upgrading a mac? i thought it just wasnt possible, you had to buy almost a complete system again. Then again, i havent looked into it.B]


Thanks for admitting that you don't really know much about this stuff. There was a time when Mac users hung on to their systems forever and bought little software. That is a likely reason why JK1 never came to the Mac (among others). Now, Mac systems are competitively priced (a recent article showed that Apple laptops were actually a better value than Dell), and the systems can be easily upgraded, and people are buying.


Also, the Mac software community has a business model that works with being 10% of the market, and the Mac users work within that. I know there is piracy everywhere, but there seem to bee disproportionately more PC 'warez' than Mac.


You say you get better playing performance out of your powerbook, but i wouldnt play games on a laptop unless i was forced to (like if my actual computer exploded) And please tell me that the standard macintosh mouse has more than one button now :) i couldnt game with one button even if my life depended on it


I said that the Swamp performance and graphics on my Powerbook were the best of *ANY* of my systems - including two Dell laptops, yes, but also a Dell Dimension 8200 (2.53GHz, GF4 Ti4600). Personally I prefer portable systems, but that is my own preference. I only use Mac laptops, which come standard only with a trackpad - I wouldn't use that for real gaming. I use an Intellimouse Explorer on all my computers for gaming.



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Yeah there are titanium ones and they look nice :) It's just that I hate the pink macs ;) I don't have much experience with macs, but I know compatibility is an issue and I rather have all my software and games to work at once... It's too bad microsoft has such a big monopoly :(

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Yeah there are titanium ones and they look nice :) It's just that I hate the pink macs ;) I don't have much experience with macs, but I know compatibility is an issue and I rather have all my software and games to work at once... It's too bad microsoft has such a big monopoly :(


There are no more 'funny color' Macs.


Also, regarding compatibility - if I couldn't run MS Office, the same statistical analysis and graphical analysis programs, and Lotus Notes on both Mac and PC without a problem ... I wouldn't have a Mac either. You can easily work seamlessly between the two platforms.



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It's a pitty that Jedi Knight/Mysteries of the Sith were never released on the Mac. I'm sure it (JKA) will be ported eventually. It will be nice to have some more players to fight against/with.


The Mac version of JK2 did have higher res pre-rendered cutscenes, and Dark Forces for the Mac had slightly better gameplay graphics too.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Hmm so I can use my Office XP CD for windows to install it on say, a mac laptop? That's great :D


And how much do you pay for a mac laptop? With reasonable performance? (for office applications and light games that is...)


My Office XP disk is as useful in my Mac as my Office.X disk is in my PC ... ;) You have to pay twice to use in both places. There are very few 'dual install' programs (fortunately I have some!)


My 12" Powerbook G4 cost ~$1800, with 1GB RAM, 40GB HD, CDRW, and so on. It is not as strong for games as my TiBook, but it does OK with JKII, Elite Force, UT, and older stuff like Dark Forces! I compare it favorably performance-wise with my Dell Inspiron 8100 w/1.2GHz PIII, 1GB RAM, 40GB HD, 32MB GF 2GO. Where it really shines is portability and stability ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

My Office XP disk is as useful in my Mac as my Office.X disk is in my PC ... ;) You have to pay twice to use in both places. There are very few 'dual install' programs (fortunately I have some!)


My 12" Powerbook G4 cost ~$1800, with 1GB RAM, 40GB HD, CDRW, and so on. It is not as strong for games as my TiBook, but it does OK with JKII, Elite Force, UT, and older stuff like Dark Forces! I compare it favorably performance-wise with my Dell Inspiron 8100 w/1.2GHz PIII, 1GB RAM, 40GB HD, 32MB GF 2GO. Where it really shines is portability and stability ...






//strokes lovingly new 17" Powerbook :)

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What resolution, anti aliasing, and other funky features are you running?


A lot (infact most) manufactured PCs cut back on a lot of hardware neccessities - and come with so much pre-installed crap on them it's no wonder they run like a bitch.


Build your own, and love it ;)


I don't have a particularly new PC, but it's all home made and boots to my desktop from cold in under 15 seconds.


I can't stand Macs, but that's just speaking from personal experience. I **** you not when I say "if I touch them, they crash".



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