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UK SWG players

Obi Peg

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I was just wondering if any of you guys could provide some enlightening answers to some questions :)


1. When SWG is released in the uk - are there any plans for european servers to connect to and if not, which do you think would be the optimum US server to connect to from the UK?


2. How do servers work - will each one hold so many players and have its own star wars universe or will all the servers be interconnected to one big universe so you are playing with all the people who have purchased the game rather than a couple of thousand :confused:


Any help much appreciated guys!


p.s These forums r sexeh and informative/enjoyable to read compared to the official ones ;)

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When SWG is released in the uk - are there any plans for european servers to connect to and if not, which do you think would be the optimum US server to connect to from the UK?


At the moment i belive they are finnalising plan's on whenever to have server's all around europe.


will each one hold so many players and have its own star wars universe or will all the servers be interconnected to one big universe so you are playing with all the people who have purchased the game rather than a couple of thousand


Read up on the Star war's Galaxie's FAQ i think it say's about it somewhere in there and it's good reading http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/features/faq_pages/faq_1.jsp


And yes these forum's are sexy aren't they the colour is deffintley very nice make's you feel right at home :D

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1. When SWG is released in the uk - are there any plans for european servers to connect to and if not, which do you think would be the optimum US server to connect to from the UK?


Yes Sony and the dev say that there will be Euro servers they have just not be anounced yet :(


Also would say the best US server would be a East cost one, Becuse of time zones and Lag.


2. How do servers work - will each one hold so many players and have its own star wars universe or will all the servers be interconnected to one big universe so you are playing with all the people who have purchased the game rather than a couple of thousand


As i understand it Each server will be it's own universe



Nice to see another Uk'r Hear. Welcome


Just lock ya car doors guys he comes from liverpool ;)

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Well, personally, the only problem I've had with US servers are that a majority of the people there has the wrong ideas of when to sleep and when to be awake! :)


Seriously though, I get as much/little lag from US servers as I get from european ones, so I'm not worried. The physical location really doesn't matter that much.

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