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Servers, Pings and damn lag!


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I'm pretty new to this internet multiplayer, but is dueling over the net a test of skill, or a show of how fast your connection is? Unfortunately, I only have a bog-standard 56k, so my skills are really poor when in a duel. Sometimes my ping reaches up to 999 on some servers, and then I can't move, or sometimes i'm lagging so bad, I always get caught with the strong style special move. (anyone who's had the dissatisfaction of fighting me will testify)


I do realise it's no use complaining until I get a better connection, but can anyone do any of the following:


1. Point me in the direction of any good servers.

2. Recommend any downloads that may help. (how I don't know but it's worth a go)

3. Answer the question at the start of this thread.


Much appreciated. ;)

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Hi BawBag


I had trouble the opposite way to your self. I had cable con and on some servers a ping of 40... but I was still being owned, until a friend of mine gave me his old PC (what was more than twice a fast as my PC) and all of a sudden I was playing a lot better :)


1. Point me in the direction of any good servers.

you should be able to see ping times of the servers in the list!!

2. Recommend any downloads that may help. (how I don't know but it's worth a go) sorry don't know of any downloads that can help

3. Answer the question at the start of this thread.

I do realise it's no use complaining until I get a better connection

do it :) get Cable or what ever the best con you can for your location :)

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I have a 56k modem as well, and found it all depends on time and place. Once I was on a massive FFA server and everything ran smoothly, as if I was on my own computer, playing with bots. You need a fast server which is relatively close (same state), and the good luck that not many people are using the phone lines in your district when you are. If these two combine, you will get a relatively good connection!

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  • 2 weeks later...
:( Yeah, my computer is pretty old too... About 4 years old? Time to build another one. I have a DSL line which really sucks. I only get .3 to .4 Mb / sec. I want cable! But it's too expensive right now. :rolleyes: I guess I have to wait till college to use the T3 line. :D
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I think it just boils down to the particular server. I've played on lots of servers and got lots of 'connection interrupted' messages. Recently I found a couple of servers where my ping hoevered around 250, and I had a fairly decent time with no connection interrupts at all. You just have to try out a lot of servers to find one that gives you a decent connection. Of course, high ping is still a factor - if yours is 250, and everyone else is under 50, don't set your heart on the top-spot unless you're an exceptional player used to lag...


I'm Mr. Average... ;)

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Originally posted by yolkboy

:( Yeah, my computer is pretty old too... About 4 years old? Time to build another one. I have a DSL line which really sucks. I only get .3 to .4 Mb / sec. I want cable! But it's too expensive right now. :rolleyes: I guess I have to wait till college to use the T3 line. :D



right now rogers cable is $30 a month. thats how much im paying for it

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To Stormhammer and all the other peop,e I know here that are stuck on 56k... I used to be on 56k for years because I live in the middle of nowhere, and you should be getting a ping of around 250, 210 at best right? Well, about 3 months before DSL rolled into my area I discovered that I was able to get 150-160ms pings to servers (this was playing Coutner-Strike but the pings for JK are the same as I was getting the standard 220-250 there as well).


Most machines come with a type of modem called a winmodem which relies on software for some particular function. These types of modems only work with windows, and that isn't really a big problem since most computers are on windows. Of course there are other software modems that arent for windows PC's I'm sure... just don't know of any. Point is... Get a modem that doesnt have to rely on software to run. One such modem is the US Robotics External Faxmodem (I used the v.92, although I suspect the v.90 will work just as well). Simply using this modem, which didn't rely on my PC to interpret the signal, brought my ping down to 150-160 solid. Of course these modems don't increase your bandwidth, they do greatly reduce the time it takes for the thing to process the signal. it should be noted that I found the modem particularly sensitive to line noise. Where other modems could withstand someone picking up the phone or the occasional buzz in the line, this USR would just totally freak out. But hey who cares, its fast. Thing that go fast are always inherently unstable.


Although the price of these modems is a bit prohibitive (the USR is 99 dollars), it was WELL worth it for me at the time to get out from underneath the 'damn lag'.


Hope this helps some of you, especially you StormHammer -- I've been around since the JK1 boards, and have fond memories of Obi-Wan anticipation at those boards... almost feel like I know you enough to care. :p

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Originally posted by JaledDur

To Stormhammer and all the other peop,e I know here that are stuck on 56k... I used to be on 56k for years because I live in the middle of nowhere, and you should be getting a ping of around 250, 210 at best right? Well, about 3 months before DSL rolled into my area I discovered that I was able to get 150-160ms pings to servers (this was playing Coutner-Strike but the pings for JK are the same as I was getting the standard 220-250 there as well).


Most machines come with a type of modem called a winmodem which relies on software for some particular function. These types of modems only work with windows, and that isn't really a big problem since most computers are on windows. Of course there are other software modems that arent for windows PC's I'm sure... just don't know of any. Point is... Get a modem that doesnt have to rely on software to run. One such modem is the US Robotics External Faxmodem (I used the v.92, although I suspect the v.90 will work just as well). Simply using this modem, which didn't rely on my PC to interpret the signal, brought my ping down to 150-160 solid. Of course these modems don't increase your bandwidth, they do greatly reduce the time it takes for the thing to process the signal. it should be noted that I found the modem particularly sensitive to line noise. Where other modems could withstand someone picking up the phone or the occasional buzz in the line, this USR would just totally freak out. But hey who cares, its fast. Thing that go fast are always inherently unstable.


Although the price of these modems is a bit prohibitive (the USR is 99 dollars), it was WELL worth it for me at the time to get out from underneath the 'damn lag'.


Hope this helps some of you, especially you StormHammer -- I've been around since the JK1 boards, and have fond memories of Obi-Wan anticipation at those boards... almost feel like I know you enough to care. :p

With most internal modems and modems that runs on soft wear these modems can take up to 50mhz of processor power away from your PC most good external modems Don't, if you got 2 phone lines there are a few modems that can shot gun a connections as well I think... been a long time since I used a modem.. and I all ways see about programs to boost ya connection but don't know much about them.

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Seems not everyone out there has a perfect connection! I'm no computer genius, so customizing my machine is beyond my skill, but my ISP is offering free broadband connection and upgrade at the moment, so i'll see how that works out.


To all who took time to reply: Cheers!

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i got a 56k winmodem, my ping is around 180-250, i think if your ping isnt too good, you cant fight as fast, like when u press to swing your saber, it swings about 1/2 second later. but when i play by myself with bots, its faster than online. so i think if you got a good ping, you play better, not totally because of skill, but also speed helps u too.


could be wronge.


i need more RAM, would that help? i have 128 megs on win XP...... JK2 loads really slow but game play slows sometimes, but not a lot, think more RAM would help?



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