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quick sabremode swaps


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I haven't scripted in a while... but it is very doable, especially since it always goes back to blue stance, what you do is replace the normal saber mode switch with a new alias, and keep track of the stances, like so:

alias cycle "saberAttackCycle;"

alias cycleT "cycle; cycle;"



alias saberCycle "saberSwitchYellow;"


alias saberSwitchBlue "switchBlue"

alias saberSwitchYellow "switchYellow"

alias saberSwitchRed "switchRed"


alias switchBlue "switchBlueO; alias saberCycle saberSwitchYellow;"

alias switchBlueO "cycle; alias switchBlue switchBlueT;"

alias switchBlueT "cycleT; alias switchBlue switchBlueThree; alias switchYellow switchYellowO; alias switchRed switchRedT;"

alias switchBlueThree ""


alias switchYellow "switchYellowO; alias saberCycle saberSwitchRed;"

alias switchYellowO "cycle; alias switchYellow switchYellowT; alias switchBlue switchBlueT; alias switchRed switchRedO;"

alias switchYellowT "cycleT; alias switchYellow switchYellowThree; alias switchBlue switchBlueT; alias switchRed switchRedO;"

alias switchYellowThree ""


alias switchRed "switchRedO; alias saberCycle saberSwitchBlue;"

alias switchRedO "cycle; alias switchRed switchRedT; alias switchBlue switchBlueO; alias switchYellow switchYellowT;"

alias switchRedT "cycleT; alias switchRed switchRedThree; alias switchBlue switchBlueO; alias switchYellow switchYellowT;"

alias switchRedThree ""


This way saberSwitchBlue/Red/Yellow will switch to each corresponding color. Haven't tested it, never even really scripted much for JK2 but it should work. Also, just updated it because I forgot, saberCycle will cycle between saber styles just like the normal saberAttackCycle would.

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