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As far as the guided rocket goes, they could still do it...but do it Half-Life style where it has a laser guide. After you launch the rocket, it essentially moves towards where your laser is pointed....so you can lead it into a moving target. It worked really good on half-life, and it could work just as well on JA. Plus, you would still have a view of the surroundings, and not get your head sliced off.

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Originally posted by SeanTB123

As far as the guided rocket goes, they could still do it...but do it Half-Life style where it has a laser guide. After you launch the rocket, it essentially moves towards where your laser is pointed....so you can lead it into a moving target. It worked really good on half-life, and it could work just as well on JA. Plus, you would still have a view of the surroundings, and not get your head sliced off.


that sounds like more of an improvement...but still, considering the rocket ca already home in on a target, does it need any further tweaking?


In fact, does it need to be there at all?


PromoSidone...I don't think we'll see exactly the same gameplay as JO...but on the other hand, I don't expect it to be too far removed from what we already know in terms of saber combat. There will certainly be new moves, and it looks like each saber selection could well have it's own associated styles, so hopefully that will expand the possibilities...

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Its just so damn buggy, u have to to the same stuff again to have it work. I cant really explain this but ill try:


1. There is this great bug that when u crouch u hit more

2. If u have a high ping ur certain to lose

3. U just slash and slash and slash and hopefully to hit something.

4. Like i said u have to do everything again with that i mean that if u just slash left, and u keep on continuing the guys is certain to die, left left leftleft ooops i hit the guy, heheh nice, lets do it again left left left left.




Thats why i actually left JO ( and becuase there were not any nice servers with nice pings)




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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Its just so damn buggy, u have to to the same stuff again to have it work. I cant really explain this but ill try:


1. There is this great bug that when u crouch u hit more

2. If u have a high ping ur certain to lose

3. U just slash and slash and slash and hopefully to hit something.

4. Like i said u have to do everything again with that i mean that if u just slash left, and u keep on continuing the guys is certain to die, left left leftleft ooops i hit the guy, heheh nice, lets do it again left left left left.

I don't see how any of these are bugs.


1. There is this great bug that when u crouch u hit more

You can sometimes hit this way because you are swinging under the block. You can defend against this by crounching down or aiming down on defense. Isn't this as it should be? If someone is swinging under your block, it should hit.


2. If u have a high ping ur certain to lose

This is the ultimate factor. No matter how perfect the game is, if you are playing with a high ping, you are going to have problems. This is not a bug, this is not having the necessary internet requirements to play the game (are you a 56Ker?). I have a DSL modem, and I get great pings, and this leads to a great game experience.


3. U just slash and slash and slash and hopefully to hit something.

Ah yes. Button mashing. Many players do it, and it is a very ineffective way to play, at least against decent players. Again, this is not a "bug", this is people choosing to play this way, and not learn the tricks. With a little practice, players can time their swings to attack openings in their opponant's defense.


4. Like i said u have to do everything again with that i mean that if u just slash left, and u keep on continuing the guys is certain to die, left left leftleft ooops i hit the guy, heheh nice, lets do it again left left left left.

I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Are you still refering to button mashing? There are a lot more effective ways to play than just holding down the attack button. But maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are saying. But again, this doesn't sound like a bug with the actual game.

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Prime i know that u try to explain some stuff what u think aint right.


But take it from me (i was #2 dueler in jk2 when i played the game) the only one i could nog defeat was PAnick. He was #1 @ clanbase. U know why? He was a bug exploiter. It may sound a little strange but the crouch hit WAS and IS a bug. And about slashing and stuff just take my word that it sucked and was buggy.


But u know what i think they should do:


I dont know if any of u guys played Prins of Persia 3D, but i liked the mechanism, not that u stop and start to duel but i mean the blocking and the left or right slashes wich could only be blocked if u truly block left or right or above or down. If they could like mix up a few of those it would make the game more exiting and more movie like.




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Now to answer ur reply

as i told it has bugs witch crouching and slashing


u have nothing to complain about, u live in canada all nice servers are in usa. it is something else when u have to play on noob servers here in europe..... only good european servers are finnish and they give me lag :mad:


And about the slashing. When u strike and it looks like u hit, sometimes u dont, and it is also laggy with the dmg, sometimes u do like 40 dmg next time 10 next time 20 with same stance and attack. Thats the buggy and sucky part.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Now to answer ur reply

as i told it has bugs witch crouching and slashing

I still don't see how this is a bug. There are ways to defend against it, and the code does what it is designed to do. Why do you think it is a bug? What do you think the code should be doing? What you discribed for a replacement is just that, a different way the game might have implemented lightsaber combat. But the fact that you want changes doesn't make Raven's game buggy.


Originally posted by PromoSidone

u have nothing to complain about, u live in canada all nice servers are in usa. it is something else when u have to play on noob servers here in europe..... only good european servers are finnish and they give me lag :mad:

Again, this has nothing to do with the code Raven has written for this game. The code works perfectly well. There is nothing Raven can do about this. It comes down to the unfortunate fact that you do not have the necessary internet connection to play this game as it was intended. While I can understand your frustration, it does not make the problem a "bug" in software.


Originally posted by PromoSidone

And about the slashing. When u strike and it looks like u hit, sometimes u dont, and it is also laggy with the dmg, sometimes u do like 40 dmg next time 10 next time 20 with same stance and attack. Thats the buggy and sucky part.

The collision detection is again affected greatly by lag. Lag is not a bug. As someone with a good connection, I can assure you that the game code works fine. As for the varying damage you talk about, this is how the game is supposed to work, as of patch 1.03. From the readme:


Lightsabers will do less damage at the very start and very end of a swing. This should prevent

kills from just touching an opponent with the tip of your lightsaber.


So this again is not a bug, but the way the game is implemented.

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The crouching thing is hard to explain since u got the books and i got the field exp.. to be figurly speaking.



Ill tell u a thing that happned a lot to me.


I had the same ping as the other guys so no lags.

The guy crocuhed and he hit sometimes i blocked, sometimes it hit me when i was like 2 meters away and there was like NO way he could of hit me. But then the other times when standing on the same spot with the same ping he did not hit me. Just trust me on this one when i say the gameplay was not that good. we could argue a lot about this, we wont get anywhere. I am giving my oppinion and u are giving urs. U dont believe me .... fine, u do, gratz on u.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Ill tell u a thing that happned a lot to me.

I'm not trying to pick on you, and I do believe that you are experiencing these problems. All I'm saying is that these are the result of your poor ping, not a problem with the game itself. Of course the gameplay won't be good when you have a high ping, which means lots of lag.


Originally posted by PromoSidone

I had the same ping as the other guys so no lags.

No. This is not what ping means. The ping is the amount of time between when your computer sends a "message" to the server and when you get a response back. The fact that your ping is not 0 means that there is at least some lag. All good pings mean is that the lag is unnoticable because the game is getting the required information fast enough.


The fact that you and the other players had the same ping means nothing. If your ping was bad (usually above 150-200 or so) and everyone was the same as you, then that will make the gameplay even more laggy. This is because it takes a long time for a message to get from you to the server, and just as long for a message to get to the other player. The game server can only use the information it receives, and if there are lots of delays, then the results are going to be swings that miss when they should have hit, and hits when they should have missed. That's why high pings are such a killer.


Originally posted by PromoSidone

I am giving my oppinion and u are giving urs. U dont believe me .... fine, u do, gratz on u.

I know you have the opinion that the game sucks. I know for a fact (because you told me :) ) that your gameplay is bad in the way you mentioned. It is also a fact, not an opinion, that the problems you are experiencing are because of lag. This is because of your poor internet connection, not the game that Raven has made. If you play another current FPS online with the same ping, you are very likely to encounter the same problems.


Again, I'm not trying to flame you, I'm just saying that the game itself is not buggy, at least in this instance. :) Just out of curiousity, what does your ping tend to be when you play online?

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Depends, My ping in servers in holland are nice nice 30 or something


Jolt 30 too

Finland depends, some times 30 sometimes 300


and that was it..... i could not play on any other server without having lag..



The few problems i mentioned about the crouching had really nothing to do with lag, maybe sometimes but thats a nother problem. U cant believe there is a game without any bug is it??

Thats the bug of JO, that is sometimes ****s up. Maybe raven will make it more better in JA





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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Depends, My ping in servers in holland are nice nice 30 or something


Jolt 30 too

Finland depends, some times 30 sometimes 300


and that was it..... i could not play on any other server without having lag..

And so the gameplay is much better on those servers where you have a low ping? Also, if someone with a terrible ping joins a server, that can also affect the lag of the other players.


Originally posted by PromoSidone

The few problems i mentioned about the crouching had really nothing to do with lag, maybe sometimes but thats a nother problem.

I'm still a little unclear on what you think the bug is when swinging while crouched. Is it because they are hitting? Can you explain to me again what is happening?


Originally posted by PromoSidone

U cant believe there is a game without any bug is it??

Of course there are going to be a few bugs in JO, or any large software project. I know all about it first hand, being in the software industry :) Raven has already released patches to fix the main bugs, like the DFA collision detection, lunge floating, spinning backstab, and so on. And there are still a few minor ones in there.


All I'm saying is that the problems you have descibed do not fall into the "bug" category.


Originally posted by PromoSidone

Thats the bug of JO, that is sometimes ****s up. Maybe raven will make it more better in JA

I have no idea what this means. What is your definition of a "bug"? :confused:
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Originally posted by PromoSidone

To me it are mistakes that aint suppose to happen. Sometimes it happnes sometimes not. And becuase it has nothing to do with lag i call it a bug

Well, unless you tell me what the actual problem is, I can't argue with that :) All I've had to go on is:


There is this great bug that when u crouch u hit more
Going by this, it doesn't sound like a bug, mainly because this is likely the way it is ment to be. But this is obvious gotten to the point where I'm never going to convince you otherwise, so I won't try.


Good day :)

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