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Do we know the highest rank we can obtain in each faction?


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I think you get certain uniforms to tell rank's apart and i belive it will be located somewhere in your datapad or up by your skill pad like where youll have riflemen skill up the top you would get liet skill or something like that.


I don't think the developer's have released any info about that question you have asked yet :( Sorry

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Lol then it's good that i's been pushed back how else may you play this great game.


But seriously i know alot ofpeople are sad about the push back of the game but it is for the best atleast there WILL not be any problem's it's nice to see them so close to finishing it there on the last beta and it will be out in no time.



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Ugh I know betas are a pain, so are all the ingame bugs that you find when the first release is out. Monthly updates on Asherons Call were the worst. One time we had this skill sell back thing that you had to do a quest for well when you sold the skill back it gave you all the xp points you put into it, only problem was there was a bug that let you do it over and over again. so for like 8 hours every character in the game was maxed out in their skills and attributes. Everyone just went PvP and it was a giant lag riot mess. fun though really.

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