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A Question


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Hi Chris!


You said

How can i delete myself from the Forum board if i don't want to be on anymore.

Well Chris, it's simple! Just send every administrator and moderator a Private Message in which you call them a faggot over and over, and in a variety of different contexts. Reapeat as neccessary.


Viola. No more forum account!

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Originally posted by GendoTheGreat

Hi Chris!


You said


Well Chris, it's simple! Just send every administrator and moderator a Private Message in which you call them a faggot over and over, and in a variety of different contexts. Reapeat as neccessary.


Viola. No more forum account!


ROFL LMAO ahahahahahhhHAHAHAHAhhjkdhfadjfhkjsdhfjklahjdfkahkfakjfhaskjhfdla


please daventry if your gonna leave do it that way

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