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War with Iraq: Has your view on the war changed?


War with Iraq: Has it changed your views?  

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  1. 1. War with Iraq: Has it changed your views?

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Originally, a little over half supported Bush when the war began. Now most support it for not the weapons of mass destruction and chemical, but for the liberation of Iraq.


Seeing the troops handing out candy or toys out to children in the cities and the streets...seeing citizens dragging the head of Saddam that once was part of a statue and watching people throwing rocks at it...seeing the overwhelming joy that they have been liberated from the dictator Saddam. Plus with the Geneva Act broken, with them saying that religion comes before anything else, or at least that was what I think I heard...


It has changed many minds, including France's. The Anti-War protests have died down, but there are still people out there for some odd reason to stop the war when it is almost over anyway. It has changed my mind on the war. What about you guys? Has it changed your mind?


One other thing. I do not wish for this thread to become a flame war if it would cause any.

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Well I do suppose Iraq's people will be better off with no Saddam, but I do not support the war still. There is still casualties, stupid accidents (on Allied side) and still no proof of WoMD (and if there were, then the next targets should include US and Britian. Russia, China and France too)


Anyway please do not respond to my rant.

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

Seeing the troops handing out candy or toys out to children in the cities and the streets...seeing citizens dragging the head of Saddam that once was part of a statue and watching people throwing rocks at it...seeing the overwhelming joy that they have been liberated from the dictator Saddam


...seeing tenths of thousands of people demonstrating against the coalition forces...listening to Iraqi people saying that they hate both Saddam and Bush...seeing all the people who tells the coalition forces to get the hell out of their country...it is a beautiful thing, isn't it?


My point is that only showing Iraqi people who celebrates the US forces is plain wrong. The same goes with only showing the people who hates the US. Do not trust the propaganda channels wich only shows you the half of the truth they want you to see.

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536

how can anyone find it okay for a nation to invaded another nation for oil then punish nations that didnt support it by boycotting their products?!


I don't think the US said anywhere that they were invading Iraq for oil. You're beginning to assume things.

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The oil supplies probably are a factor in the US' decision but vengeance probably had something to do with it too (when the other Bush was after Saddam but never finished the job in the 90's (I think)) and why not free Iraq at the same time; it was the perfect thing for Bush. and with a little CNN propaganda the war seems to a lot of people like an act of human compassion (which it is, to a certain extent)

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536

dont you get it the fact that theyre doing a favor was all a coverup to hide the true intentions of oil. i mean who wouldnt pass up the easy chance to take over a country with the world's second largest oil field without being criticized even if its for a few years?


You seem narrow-minded about this opinion of yours. So maybe they do want oil, who doesn't? After all, the SUVs have got to run...:rolleyes:


I'm sure you've heard of the concept of having multiple goals.

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Oil, well it could be a goal by why do it just for the oil? :rolleyes: We went in for the WMDs alone and then decided we were going to free the people disguising the fact we were looking for them. I love how politics work. :rolleyes: Bush says we will find WMD, but yet we haven't even found them at all except some biological and besides... Saddam wasn't a threat and could only attack our allies (not including terrorism that he could have funded himself). While I do agree that Saddam needed to be out of power, it's the way Bush had presented it and such before the war that makes me mad. Now that the war is coming to a close, we will focus on NK and what then? How will we deal with them, of course we have Syria possibly aswell... My thoughts end here for now..

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