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i was playing some dude online last night in a 1 on 1. a very good game actually. i forget how long it went, but there were numerous attacks and counter attacks.

in the end i sent about 7 or 8 jedi masters in the back of his base.

1 went to the far right as a distraction. he tried to convert a prefab just to draw attention, then i had the other 7 convert a gonk droid and a few troop centers.... i didn't even finish converting one thing and he resigned. then he said "gg", and i said "lol." while i thought it was a very good game, he got all pissed that i thought it was funny that he instantly quit when my masters came in. now, i thought it was funny... funny in the sense that he didn't even try to fight back and never even tried. but he's getting all po'ed at me and said i was being rude...

who's over reacting here? I mean he had a ton of workers left, lots of buildings and stuff too... i just thought he should have faught longer but didn't.

any opinions?

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okay... found the file, WATCHED the file... and i dont get why he quit when he had so many resources and buildings... even though my mounties and a wings were wrecking him.

I'm the rebels (obviously) he's the gungans... and i guess this gives away my smurfing name... but oh well. you need to unzip it, and u need the X pack. don't forget to put it in your saved game folder!


The Game

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ahh I see it now. Lets see.


These are my remarks while watching it:


- Man.. I don't see how you get so many workers so fast....

- Heh, (overeacter) he has an interesting thing with walling up nova.....

- wow, (pb) has 3 troop centers and a jedi temple. I can't get that many that soon. I can get 1 troop center and jedi temple

- gaa... kill his stupid boat! That is so annoying :p

- (pb) 2 command centers is a pretty neat idea.

- the boat is still killinh (pb) his houses

- ahh I learned an idea from Overreacter. Build an AA Turrent, then a wall around it. It'll survive a lil longer against pummles/mounties.

- (pb) lost another house because of that stupid boat... KILL IT! :p

- (pb) hoooray! A-Wings!

- (pb) the baot is still attacking your houses.....

- (pb) yay! You finally tell that boat who's boss!

- *Presses fast forward*

- *Gets bored and quits*


Hey, I may be a crappy player but I'm a good announcer guy. :D




Woohoo! pbguy kicked my buttocks, I actually had the best startup I've ever had. I still got my butt kicked but I lasted longer than 10 mins. :D

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- Man.. I don't see how you get so many workers so fast....

Put the majority of your intial workers on food, then carbon. I haven't played the game in so long, pbguy probably could destroy me too (but we won't get into that whole who-can-beat-who thing, because it turned into a flame war before. For those who don't what I am talking about can refer to the middle chunk of the last gunship thread, prior to me bringing it back on topic and essentially causing its demise. And no, simwiz isn't an eight year old, he just sounds like one:D )

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you pretty much need to ignore ore until t3, and go for nova AFTER you make enough troopers to start a small war. After the inital trooper squable make troops AND mounties. Mounties to kill power cores, troops to kill over troopers.


As far as workers... carbon builds farm, farms gain food, food makes workers. more workers means more carbon... repeat process...

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I guess that was my problem in the earl stages of the game. I did not hunt all the food first. I started farming off the bat. I thought in the beginning workers were weak and you needed a bunch to kill animals like rontos, dewbacks, and some of the powerful animals. I know one worker would die first before the animal did.

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yea, and we still lost. Yay!


I'm getting a lil better. Rebs is my new fav civ because of the killer A-Wings :p


I'm still trying to get the early resources faster...... We should like have a race., The first to get "X" amount of resources wins. And we can see if the guy told the truth because we'd record the game ;)

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the problem is that in a rook game that phreak would be play (no offense, just an observation and analysis) that rookie/noob tend to take longer to attack... so by the time u attack your enemy already has a lot of resources. it may not be as effective. you need to compliment the a wings with another unit. i ususally use mounties, then troops and possibly jedi if the nova allows.

mounites get the mechs, heavies, and buildings, wings get the workers and troops.


my new favorite win was yesterdy in a 1v1. the dude got to t3 before me... and i never got out of t2... but i owned his arse!

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