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What i like as a saber


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Haya peeps,



I dont know if u people feel this way too but i think that JO's saber was cheesed up. It had this strange form it was thin than thick and then thin. I really hated the saber. What if Raven could make a saber like in episodes 1 and 2 with the sabers nice and thick.




Well thats my opinion whats urs?

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Haya peeps,



I dont know if u people feel this way too but i think that JO's saber was cheesed up. It had this strange form it was thin than thick and then thin. I really hated the saber. What if Raven could make a saber like in episodes 1 and 2 with the sabers nice and thick.




Well thats my opinion whats urs?


You could always just have downloaded a mod to change everything to what you like...

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i loved the sabers in JO

everytime i tried a mod i always went back to the original

the only thing i didnt like is that they would shrink down when you would pass through a wall with them

they are suppost to be able to cut through pretty much anything so why make them be stopped by a wall?

made them seem weak to me...who am i kidding they were weak in game!

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I think they made the sabers in JO to look like in the movies 4 and 5, but then i think the sabers in the movies were so cheezy because the movies and pretty old and so is there technology.


But i would really like to see nice AoTc blades as well, or just that there are not any pure servers around.




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I don't think the sabers were THAT bad, but they weren't very movie like... But then again, the original trilogy movies had different sabers than the prequels too!!


But I wouldn't mind them to be a little thicker and with less eh... movement, if you know what I mean...

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Originally posted by Prime

What can I say? I'm a sucker for the original trilogy!


Same here, the original trilogy had a special feeling to it, where the prequels are in some ways too complex and the special effects (such as pretty sabers :)) spoil it a bit for me...

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Same here, the original trilogy had a special feeling to it, where the prequels are in some ways too complex and the special effects (such as pretty sabers :)) spoil it a bit for me...


I agree. I loved the sabers in all films but I like the prequels sabers a tad bit more... so I guess that means 1 point to the prequels and 0 for sequels, the score is now:


Sequels: 9999

Prequels: 2



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Gotta admit, I like 'em nice and thick. he he he.




Naw, the only thing I didn't like about any lightsaber was in AoTC, they were too white in the middle. Looked like the jedi were carrying those irridescent things morons twirl around in clubs when they're pilled up to the nines. The sabers look better when the core (only in the very centre) is just a paler shade of the blade colour. Luke's was cool. Vader's. Kenobi/Jinn TPM but AoTC they somehow didn't look 'right'.


JO sabers rock though. so, shhh.:sheepdanc This is the mocking 'Sheep Dance of Triumph'. I'm right, you're wrong. So there.




ps. nya nya ne nya nya

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