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Slicing stuff in half


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im gonna piss about on jk2 for a while whats your player name so i can see how well we compare!

mine is bondy


btw i jus learned what credits are!

apparently on the very first page u come accross(http://www.lucasforums.com) on the left there is something that says'store' and 'hotel' click on store and there are some things which u can 'buy' with credits. you get 2 credits for every post but people can also donate them to you so u can get a 'glowing name' for instance

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i have yet to get a Online Name, My run JKII at the next to lowest quality, i do not have a video card sadly.. but i am getting one in about 4 days, so when i get on i will meet you in a game. I added you to my "Buddy" list and if you would send me an email later, we can exchange tips ands screenshots and whatnot, cya soon. ..




still cant figure that move out.....

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while in game press "PRINT SCREEN" then either pause and minimize or dont press "Printscreen" agian. go into an imaging program and click "edit" paste or paste as new image then save and upload to an image hoster or send through an email.



heres some shots i took this week.


I may be dead, but it was a good shot....stupid Bastage snuck up on me.:p

He'll Never Be The Same Agian....:p

The Pain!!!

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There's an easyer way to take screenshots.


Just bind a key to the command "screenshot". You find all your pictures in the gamedata/base/screenshot folder. Just thought you'd prefer that to the way you've been doing it.

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The server hosting the game has to turn G_dismember on FIRST, then clients connect and in order to see dismemberment on their ends, they have to each turn CG_dismember on.


Get it?


So if the server has it turned off, you won't see it, even if you enable it. I just turn both on in my CFG file, and I'm set.


PS: The printscreen method iceman mentioned is good for taking shots of non-game stuff (like the menus). ; )

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Say, Iceman, Darth, I can give you a copy of my PK3 that has max dismemberment probabilities if you want it. It's a pretty small file, too. SP only, though. Not exactly sure whea you're looking for.


And speaking of screenshots, I seem to have a problem with mine. They all turn out as completely black screens. Eh, I just wanted to throw that out with little hope I have of a cure.

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Originally posted by Durocha

Say, Iceman, Darth, I can give you a copy of my PK3 that has max dismemberment probabilities if you want it. It's a pretty small file, too. SP only, though. Not exactly sure whea you're looking for.


And speaking of screenshots, I seem to have a problem with mine. They all turn out as completely black screens. Eh, I just wanted to throw that out with little hope I have of a cure.


cool go for it i just got my 1 player working again. it was cos i downloaded something that bugered it up

and i have no idea why your screenies turn out black remember ive only just found that you can take screenies like that.

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That's exactly what it does, iceman. It's on 75% probability because, frankly, it looks kinda cheesy when everyone falls apart. Besides, I like I when they don't fall in half when I back stab them. But I'll be happy to set them to 100% if you like.


So, yeah, I can send it through email or AIM. Either one's fine with me. If you don't want to pass out your names her, I'm:


Durocha P I : AIM

OblivionIXX@aol.com : Email.


Oh, and I found out what was messing up my screen shots, I had an option on that my video card couldn't perform.

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Sure thing. Glad you enjoy it. By the way, I accidently left some stuff in there after looking through it ... If you spawn a jedi3 or jedi4, you'll have chiss in red and Morgan as a ghost helping you.


But, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you want anythig changed in it, feel free to ask.

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The g_saberRealisticCombat cheat is a cheat because, well, it's cheating. Your damage goes way up and it's not as fun.


For singleplayer:


g_dismemberProbabilities 0


Yes, I said zero. 2 is rare, 1 is normal, 0 is excessive. It's the closest you get the the cheat without the extreme damage and rediculous "blenderize" effect on saber throw.


For multiplayer:


g_dismemberment 100

cg_dismember 3


...or maybe it's g_dismember, or maybe cg_dismemberment? Ah, I can't remember. Anyways over 100 is redundant, and over 2 or 3 is redudant for the client cvar.

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