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Artisan Skill tree up!!!


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Not to be mod-bashing, Gaarni, but this thread is a bit different than the "new skill tree up now!" thread. It is also about whether or not the skill tree made us more interested in crafting or not. But you are completely right that part of it has already been posted! ;)


Me, I thought it was the most interesting skill tree yet, since it seems to give the biggest freedom to the player. With all those different buildable things you can unlock, hopefully every crafter will have their own way of tackling the profession. Also, it hints a lot how the further branches of the profession will look, like weaponsmith and droid engineer.


I like it. Perhaps not enough for me to start thinking of a career move, but I like it.

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No. We have marksman, scout, entertainer and artisan.


EDIT: and don't expect the doctor tree yet, 'cause this far they have only put up the starting professions. Propably, they'll give us all of those before they advance to the expert professions. So you'll most likely get the medic skill tree first.

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I thought it was interesting to see the different areas of the artisan skill tree. I'd def. have some skills in it, what skills, not quite sure.


It's all well in good seeing these, but I'd rather see them in game, 'cause to me I think they will make a lot more sense in game than just looking at them right now.

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