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Invisible Kyle


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I connected to a server online the other day where I guess a bunch of guys from a clan were playing. Anyway, they all were invisible. All i saw were their Sabers flying around through the air. Anyway, I disconnected and fired up my SP game a couple days later only to find that kyle is invisible now!!! Does anyone know the name of the mod or cheat that allows people to do that so I can get rid of it. I would really love to see Kyle again...:p

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Did you by any chance have any invisible skins in your base folder? Did you download something from the game server you were playing on? Perhaps you you auto-downloaded a skin from the server before joining and that skin replaces normal Kyle with invisible Kyle. In that case, just delete the .pk3 file you downloaded, if you remember the name.

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I deleted two suspect .pk3 files and it fixed my problem. I was gonna save them so I could copy and post the names of them for others here to watch out for...but I forgot and accidentally emptied my recycle bin:p Thanks for the suggestions guys!!!

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Originally posted by tubbydrmmr

I connected to a server online the other day where I guess a bunch of guys from a clan were playing. Anyway, they all were invisible. All i saw were their Sabers flying around through the air. Anyway, I disconnected and fired up my SP game a couple days later only to find that kyle is invisible now!!! Does anyone know the name of the mod or cheat that allows people to do that so I can get rid of it. I would really love to see Kyle again...:p




I've seen a problem like this before.you probobly just downloaded the cloaking shadowtrooper skin by accident

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  • 2 months later...

It's very possible for the server you are connected to, download files to your lucasarts folder. Even if you have selected no downloads from the setup, if a server runs a particular mod they can add it to your hd. I find new folders in my Gamedata folder all the time that I never got a d-load message about.

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