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NPCs leveling up whether in the party or not???


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In the thread:whats your squad gonna be like? over at the official forums JRB1972 said

The developers have elsewhere stated that all npcs that join your band of fellow travelers will level with the rest of your npcs whether or not they are back on the Ebon Hawke. Therefore, the notion of recruiting characters in your party for the express purpose of raising their level to approximate the level of your more desired characters is a non-issue.

I've looked at the faq and don't see anything like that and i can't be bothered sifting for this info, so anyone know if this is true?

I don't really like the idea, takes away some of the point of it and makes soloing(playing the whole game almost only with just the PC) very difficult because of some details about how experience is dished out. Though if it were true it would also make things less of a pain because the various NPC will be up to snuff without even taking them out once.

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I hadn't heard that before. I think that it would kind of suck not being able to assign points.


My understanding on this is that you [your character] assigns points to your party memebers. More specifically, what you feel you need.......meaning if you feel your character is lacking in say computer tech, just assign one of your party members more points for that skill.

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I can't answer your question...but I have to say I'd like more control over allocating points to abilities for NPCs on level-up. In NWN, you didn't have any control over your henchman's abilities or equipment, and it was a bit annoying at times.

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i would like it to be fixed abilities for AI controlled characters. For instance say you picked up a wookie, his characteristics would excell in strength and loyalty and you coudn't change this, only add more points as the game went on, and the wookie learned more.

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Originally posted by Greda Pa'sun

For instance say you picked up a wookie, his characteristics would excell in strength and loyalty and you coudn't change this, only add more points as the game went on, and the wookie learned more.


Loyalty isn't really a skill.

I thought it would be interesting if characters leveled on their own and you got to see what they chose. Since they are suppose to have their own personalities.


But I don't have a problem with the fact that we have to choose their skills and weapons for them.


I'd be pretty p'd off if one of my party members kept using a ranged weapon when I didn't want them too.

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Yeah I get you.

Since each character is already going to have it's own personality it would makes since if they chose their own skills.


Juhani is an agressive Jedi. What if I give her all passive light side powers like healing. That doesn't really fit.

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*reads and re-reads*


Let me get this right, if I leave some party members back on the hawk they will level up along just like if they were out in the action?


I'm not sure if I read that quite right, but it seems like this has some pro's and con's.


It takes some realism out in the sense that most of the time people don't get better at their skills while just sitting around a ship.


But, also, I remember in Dungeon Siege I would always try to buy the newest, better character available and that would become quite frustrating especially if I had just spent a lot of time on my character.


Overall, if I read it right, I think I will like it because I won't have to worry about taking a member out with me who has been sitting on the Hawk the whole time. Just think, you need a droid to open a door for you and he dies everytime because he is very low level.


Will someone please clear this up for me if I read that right?


Thanks. :D

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Ok, first to clear things up a bit(to the best of my knowledge)...when u lvl up it is just like in NWN or BG series, u assign feats and proficiencies however you want. The same goes for all ur party members(Non-player characters), you assign their feats and proficiencies however u want the same way you do for ur player-char like the Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale series..

[Edit] here is the thread that the quote came from, the first 2 posts on the page[/ed]

My understanding of what JRB1972 said is what you've said Jedi Apprentice..

Let me get this right, if I leave some party members back on the hawk they will level up along just like if they were out in the action?

eg. u get some new guys and leave them in the hawk, never using them. And play the game, only using the same 3 chars...you play the whole game and they get to lvl 20[for instance]...when you go back to the hawk all the guys there are also lvl 20 as if they were out there fighting etc and gaining experience.

It takes some realism out in the sense that most of the time people don't get better at their skills while just sitting around a ship.


But, also, I remember in Dungeon Siege I would always try to buy the newest, better character available and that would become quite frustrating especially if I had just spent a lot of time on my character.


Overall, if I read it right, I think I will like it because I won't have to worry about taking a member out with me who has been sitting on the Hawk the whole time. Just think, you need a droid to open a door for you and he dies everytime because he is very low level.

I totally agree with you there, it don't make sense for them to get as strong as someone who has slayed every sith in the galaxy by sitting there and playing pazac(?) on the hawk.

Of course the flipside about not having to worry if ur guys are good enough to unlock a door helps but I still don't like it:D there should be multiple solutions to problems in many cases tho

I just checked Aliasalpha's FAQ again over at the official forums and don't see anything like what JRB1972 said. I'm thinking that what he said is not true


This may or may not have been answered,but can you choice the weapons of the NPC???--Plus,am i reading this right--can you make your team more aggressive or defensive or whatever?

Bare with me if it was already answered.

Yep u should be able to choose whatever weapons you want for them and what is in their inventory etc...not sure what you mean by more aggressive or defensive, IIRC there will be AI scripts available that can control how you want individual NPCs to act in battles..or you can make it so they don;t do anything unless u tell them to.


That's the world as I see it today...

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