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The valley of the jedi??


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This quote is from the Kyle Katarn entry on SW.com


Returning to Sulon, Kyle learned that his father had been aiding a refugee effort on the barren world of Ruusan. Morgan had discovered ancient ruins on Ruusan pointing the way to the Valley of the Jedi, the fabled battleground between the ancient Jedi and Sith. The Valley represented a great focal point of energy that if exploited could turn the tide in the perpetual battle between light and dark. Kyle knew that the location of the Valley should never fall into Imperial hands.
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Right. It's where all the dead Jedi used to be burried. So there's a huge focus of power there, which can be used, obviously, for good or evil. VERY few people know where it is though. Used to be Kyle's Father, until Jerec killed him and stole info. Then Kyle became the protector. I believe the rest is covered in JK2

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I really suggest any who has never played Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 before, they should get it. Ive still seen copies of the game at my local Walmart, about 10 dollars, which I found really cheap, since it cost around 50 dollars almost three years ago. So any that hasnt played it before should check it out, you will not be disappointed!

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Originally posted by Zappa_0

I really suggest any who has never played Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 before, they should get it. Ive still seen copies of the game at my local Walmart, about 10 dollars, which I found really cheap, since it cost around 50 dollars almost three years ago. So any that hasnt played it before should check it out, you will not be disappointed!


Totally agree. Even though the graphics may be dated, its still great gameplay.

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ummmm i think you people are a little confused...and its half the games fault (DK2 jK)..in that The Valley of the Jedi wasnt a place where the burned fallen jedi...b/c light jedi fade out and dark explode ;-) ep 1 got that wrong with gui gon and maul.


The Valley of the Jedi came about like 1000 years before ANH, it was a huge battle ground for the sith and republic jedi... the sith were led by a VERY power jedi, by the name of Lord Kaan(probably stronger than Sidious aka emperor). the battle lasted for a while blah blah im not gonna bore u with the details but, at some point during the war. Lord Kaan used the force in a very deadly way. He created the 'thought bomb' as the book put it i believe. When this 'bomb' went off it killed everyone in the fight in the valley (and yes lord kaan too) and trapped the sprit, force energy, soul (what ever you want to call it) and trapped all of it at the valley of the jedi. When a jedi dies his soul doesnt go there like most people think. Jeric found out that if he went there he could increase his ability to use the force by gaining the energy of the valley and kyle stopped him and blah blah.. the sotry goes. but its not this burning grounds thing i heard talk of.


WEll thats the sotry in a nut shell, so i dont know how the game got it wrong..but o well. Im not sure which book but its in 1 of the pre ANH books thats out there so if yea want the whole story i suggest u go find it b/c its really neat.

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O and yes Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight is a kick A** Game!!! i recomend it to anyone... yes it is outdated and will be odd after playing outcast but u will get used to it. but i warn you the game has some facts wrong. as i said in my other reply

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