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2-ended Saber ?


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I'm just wondering if there is a 2-ended saber model of some sort out there ? I can't find one in the downloads section of the site and hope if anyone knew where i could maybe find a sterdy one...


I just can't get enough of that Sith Darth Maul and his awesome Twang... :D


Thanks in advance...

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Yeah, well i am a "guy" and to clarify my question (sorry if i sounded messed up) was, i was wondering if there was a model or saber that utilizes a dual ended saber (something like Darth Maul's Lance Hilt, with the saber at both ends)



Thanks agin...

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:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


I just tried that, and it didn't work. Is that for MP only. or is it for SP also???


I just recently got into the skins and sabers and the sort , so(although I hate to admit it:rolleyes: ) I'm a nOOb....and I'm gonna need some help before the end of the month.






Run around like your pants are on fire and I licked them.

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Yep, double bladed sabers only in MP and various MP mods. There is no way to have it in SP at the moment to my knowledge.


The option to have double sided and 2 single sabers looks to be available in JK III

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Hoover Dam....:mad:


ERRRRRRRRG!!!!!!!!I really wanted to play as darth maul with his saber hilt dbl sided.


AHHHHHH!!!! :confused: you'ld think that someone would be able to find the source code:confused:

ah well, guess I'll learn how to create a skin as I wait for JKIII;)



(Whats real)

Is the kids who know that somethings wrong

(Whats real)

Is the kids who think they don't belong

(Whats real)

Is the kids who have nowhere to run,

who are hiding in the shadows,

waiting for the sun.-Linkin Park, Demo-Dedicated

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