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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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(OOC: hahaha....no. Do not control other's characters)


The wall does NOT break, being Craig does not way enough to do that, and Craig just instead turns and laughs at the stupidity of marichui's post.




(OOC: Ok now to be serious..)


Craig sipped some of his drink left over from the bar as he leaned against the post (which did not break)and waited for the breifing and plans.

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((OOC: Joke, he was referring to another character from Welmin's Cantina, so don't worry, Havoc's still in the game! :cool: :cool: :cool: ))


Topshot sits at the table, resting his head on his hand, waiting for EJ to come in to the room and brief them on the mission. In the mean time, he starts conversing with the others.


"Say, has anyone seen that holo-film, hosted by Jabba's Cineplex, based on our last mission where EJ, Havoc, and I were fighting to destroy the dark lord Luminaro Unduli?"

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Originally posted by Redwing

*Breaking in*


marichui, don't make me delete joke posts. No trolling, please. Craig, it's all your fault for replying, now I don't want to muss thread integrity ;)


/end OOS




((OOC: Alright, I'm very sorry Redwing, won't let it happen again))


Craig finished his drink and chucked it into the nearest trash can, then continued waiting for the briefing.

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ej: im sorry for everyone waiting. now lets get down to buisness. lance has an army and now with most of my pirate crew gone with him they'll help out with him. we must go and swoop in and destroy everything of his. my forces are armed with alot of ships and weapons. topshot im sure u know what im talking about. for the newcomers i have 1 super star destroyer and 4 star destroyers, among many many other star ships. for ground assault vehicles, i got many at-ats, and the republic gunships used during the clone wars. everything will be explained later with all the ships and what not.


what im thinking about doing is that we'll rob lance's banks. then hit some of his weapons depots. our first target is the commerce bank in the outer rim. and then we will work our way in to the core worlds then finally the major bank on coruscant. we will only be taking money out of lance's account. i will do this alone with u guys guarding the front door. this is only for the bank on coruscant. after we hit his banks and depots we'll make one final assault on his palace. yes i know he is very rich, and we will take all his treasure. plus my men back. we will begin preparations 2morrow. u are all welcome to stay here in my house. my servants will help you all. u may have dinner tonight also. following that u are free to pracitice ur fighting skills.

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*Havoc entered in time to hear the plan*

Havoc: No, Lance has insurance on all the weapons depots, we want to hit those first, then the banks. If we hit the banks first when we hit the weapons the insurance will go straight to him instead to the bank.

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Craig nodded, agreeing to all this. "I will supply my own vehicles though, thanks. Sounds like a well thought out plan. Havoc proves a good point. Also, another thing. If you need a good hacker to get into the banking system accounts, I can help with that as well. There isn't a security program that I can't hack into."

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Topshot:"Now ain't that the truth? Now what I think is that robbing a bank will get us thrown into Imperial concentration camps, so we would have to be extra careful in our foot-steps. You never know what we could encounter."


And in reply to the question he was asked by Craig:


"My body has been working over time on major upgrades. Your old suit gave me the idea to implant a special computer chip into my left gun arm. Pretty interesting, since it updates my gun arm as well by building new internal parts. "

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ej: another good idea craig. we will need all available help to pull plan a off. lets start gathering our forces.


*every one follows ej outside* ej: we are going to head towards a mountain with a valley on the other side. that is where i keep my ships. at least some of them. we will board a shuttle.


*one hour later and at the valley* ej: here we are. captain silver and i are the leaders. u guys are appointed as smaller leaders of squadrons. for our first robbery we will take a star destroyer and 5 republic gunships. there will also be 5 men per group. topshot craig havoc silver and i will each lead a group. my men and i will rob the bank, u guys get to cover me. we will divide up the loot among each other.

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"Myself as well," stated Topshot,"Mine's equipped with state-of-the-art cloaking devices, engines, shields, the whole shibang. It's also equipped with a special transmitter that encodes messages so that only the specified receiver can understand it. No matter how hard anyone tries to pry open the receiver's message or intercept it, all they'll get is just mixed letters. And as for myself being half-machine, my body will give me a choice of any upgrades I feel are necessary. Only half of my body is machine, y'know."

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Topshot:"And one more thing. I personally invited an old friend of mine to accompany us on this mission. He is a sith outcast that goes by the name Darth Rythe. If any of you messes with or angers him, be warned, he is very deadly in his profession!"


*Shows them the "cut-throat" kill sign.*

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Craig smirked, "Great. More help the better." He then added, "and why would you think I would kill a friend of yours, of all people? A friend of my friend is my friend, and my enemy's enemy is my friend as well." (OOC: wanted to add that line in somewhere lol)

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